Monday, March 30, 2009

Some days I want to be normal

Some days I just want to be able to leave work, go home, make dinner BEFORE 8 or 9pm, eat it while it is still hot, watch TV, drink a glass of wine and go to bed at a reasonable hour.

Some days I want to be able to wake up in the morning like a "normal" person... let my dog out to go potty, feed him, get ready for work and actually make it to work on time.

Some days I want to go home after work and take a nap.

Some days I wish I could go out on Friday night with my fiance without thinking to myself "I have so much to do tomorrow" Heck I just want to go out.

Some days I want to sleep in.

Some days I want to go away for the day or weekend without worrying about animals.

Some days I want to check my email and not have 10 dogs needing a place to go before they die.

Some days I want to answer my phone and have it not be someone wanting to get rid of a dog.

Some days I wish I had the money to go shopping but I don't because I had to buy $500 worth of dog food.

Some days I don't want a million people coming and going from my house to see dogs.

Some days I wonder what would it be like to have never gotten involved with dog rescue? What would it be like to go home after work to a house in a neighborhood. What would it be like to say yea lets go out after work and if I don't get home till 3am oh well. What would it be like if I didn't have to run to the vet office every other day? What would it be like to not have to pay someone to clean my house, mow my lawn, etc. because I actually have time to do it??

Some days I just really wish I could be "normal"


matt tag said...

I can't comprehend the sacrifice you're making - but I also can't comprehend all the good that you're doing for those who desperately need people like you to help them.

Be strong!

Anonymous said...

I've often wondered the same things Amy. I'm in pretty much the same boat BUT.....I turn around and look at all the dogs here and the ones who are in forever homes and I understand my purpose.
Strong work Amy! Your efforts don't go un-noticed!

isak said...

And one day I will have just one dog, one cat and time to do all "those " things. Maybe...

So comforting to see the exact thoughts from my head coming from someone else's.