Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just heartbroken

I have no idea why but today I am having a hard time dealing with the death... isn't that strange, just the other day I talked about how the abuse doesn't bother me like it use to. But today I received 2 phone calls from shelters who I know only call when things get bad and I received 4 emails from 4 different shelters asking / begging for help.

THERE ARE SO MANY HOMELESS DOGS! So many are going to die this week and I am sick over it. To think that today they are breathing, eating, wagging their tails and by the weekend they will no longer exist. Why doesn't that bother anyone else? WHY???

DOGS ARE NOT MERCHANDISE! DOGS ARE NOT A WAY TO MAKE MONEY. Animals feel, animals hurt, animals breath, animals eat.... just like us stupid humans. So why is it that people are mean to animals??? I know people are mean to people as well but at least the ones who "aren't wanted" aren't killed off and put in a dumpster. At least humans can talk about what has been done to them and can hopefully get help. Animals are helpless....

so many will die this week.... that hurts, a lot.


Lorena said...

I know, it is very hard to understand. I have 2 rescue dogs, never bred or bought dogs from breeders, and I help shelter dogs. I keep trying to think about how to fix the problem,maybe birth control in low cost dog food? Spay and neuter campaigns. I see the people and their stories too, I don't always understand what makes them tick either. In 3rd world countries,human life is also not valued much where there is poverty.I suppose all we can do is help where we can and try to find solutions to the overall problem.At least you are helping some of them. Thanks for helping

jeanne said...

I get those same feelings and that is why I act. I try to work in hopes of maybe people will see that what they are doing is wrong. Killing pets is wrong. Some people don't see that. I have also found a lot of people are desensitized to the fact that animals are living things that have a life. I just hope that in the future people that run the shelters and others that hurt animals will realize that this is so wrong. In the mean time I will continue to fight for the animals and educate as much as I can.

Karen said...

Keep up the good work! I can't deal with the emotion of what you are doing, but a friend and I have written an ebook and we are giving a nice portion of the profits to our local shelter in hopes that they can use the funds to pay for neutering and vet care for strays. PattySue Finds a Home is about how a rescue dog was adopted . . . And it is mostly true. She is one of the lucky dogs, and she acts like she knows it. We are hoping to help many dogs with our book! We each help in our own way, and I admire what you are doing!