Friday, May 4, 2012

Respect my time

Do you ever feel like people don't respect your time?  I sure feel like that lately.

I had someone who said they were coming over to my house at a certain time and I ended up waiting around for an hour for them to show up.  I had things to do and it through off my entire night and then I got to eat a cold diner.  Thank you very freaking much!

Then I said I don't want to take any new dogs in, I get bamboozeled by someone and now I am stuck with a dog at my house that I don't have time for.

THEN I have a dog that nipped at the baby sitter in the foster home so now I am worried about him. The foster home seems to be ok but I am still worried.

AND THEN I have someone who wants to return a dog.  The dog was really badly abused and doesn't seem to be making an progressing in the adopted home.  I understand, it isn't their fault. They are a really nice family but OMG!  I am trying NOT to take in any dogs right now b/c we have so many.

I am working really long hours at work and I am under a lot of pressure and I really really really really don't have time to have more dogs at my house.  Yet they keep showing up.


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