Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 is over

I know I haven't written much this year and I took a few years off but as anyone who has been reading this blog since the beginning I had a lot of issues with my neighbor harassing me.  He then started to use this blog against me.... well he tried, it back fired horribly.

The case was "over" early in 2014... the 5 years of harassment were finally over.  In late 2014 the man had some health issues and has since been in a nursing home.  His wife, a very nice lady is now living alone and I worry about her.  She has sent a few cards.... the first in March 2015 for my son's birthday and I have invited her to a few parties we have had at the farm.  I feel bad for her because I know it was all her husband being mean and I most certainly am not going to hold it against her.
I have helped her with a few things and will continue to keep an eye to make sure she is ok.  I have often thought her husband was probably not so nice to her either...

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