Friday I got up at 5am and went out to the dog room. I put Liberty in the out door kennel run and I put Freedom, Kassa, Cleveland and Blossom out in the fenced yard and then I let cranky pregnant Jessie the JRT out to just run and do whatever she wanted. It took me an hour to clean up all the cages for the 4 bait dogs. OMG they are so messy. LOL! They just pee all over their blanket and then lay in it. I have done at least 10 loads of laundry since they got here and I have gone through at least 2 Clorex Wipes and about 10 rolls of paper towels.
Once I was done with cleaning everything up, giving them clean food, water and bedding I put everyone away and got ready for work. I got to work about 7:50ish. I received a call from The Chronicle Telegram which is my local paper. They heard about the bait dogs and wanted to come out and see them. I worked the rest of the day then rushed home to meet the reporter guy.
Here is the aritcle
Once they left I had to go pick up Newtown (now Buzz) and Maple (now Sammie) at the vet office. They got fixed on Friday. I had to also go to a different vet to pick up medicine for the bait dogs b/c they are starting to get snotty noses and I don't want them to come down with kennel cough.
THEN I had Maple getting adopted Friday night and I still had to feed horses and of course clean and work with the bait dogs.
Oh then I had people who came over to see them and brought some much needed and appreciated supplies for them.
I didn't get in the house until 10:30pm when I finally ate some left overs and then I had paper work and a few miscellaneous things I needed to do. I didn't get to bed until 11:30 and boy oh boy did I pass out. Then about 1pm Newton decided to start crying so it wakes me up. I have to go down stairs and yell at him. FINALLY after arguing with him for a bit he finally decides to stop crying and I go back to bed. THEN again at 3am, 5am, and 7am.
My brother in law texted me at 6:50 and a foster home called me at 7:30am. It was the night from hell. Between 7:30 and 8:30 I got the paper, took all the dogs out to go potty and wanted to go back to bed. at 9:30 I got another phone call. UGH! Whatever I was giving up on sleeping and started my day.
I was buy all day with the dogs. THANK GOD my husband is understanding b/c seriously I don't think we have seen each other since I got these guys.
Finally by 6pm I was done with all my chores and I could shower and my husband and I went to get something to eat. Finally got to spend sometime dog free. Not long though. LOL We were home by 9 and I spent an hour and 1/2 with the dogs, walking them, letting them play and just giving them some attention.
These dogs are so so so sweet, I just can't spend enough time with them.
Cleveland has discovered toys and it is freaking hilarious. OMG I just can't stop giving him different toys to see how he will react!
Well here are some pictures of the dogs. Just absolutely love them!

Awe Amy! I am so glad you were able to take in 4 of those dogs. And you are right, thank goodness your husband is understanding! Rescue work certainly is very demanding on your time! You night sounds like how mine have been with a baby! ugh!!
I'm tired just thinking about what your day looks like.
You are a blessing to these poor sweeties. Thank you for helping them. You are an inspiration.
You are doing wonderful Amy and as Susan said you really are an inspiration. Keep up the good work.
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