#1. How horrible that there are that many asshole families in this world. Your family member is dieing and you are too selfish to take on a pet. REALLY!! Karma baby Karma!
#2. This nice wonderful women took in all these animals and did a darn good job taking care of them and the families didn't see anything wrong with her taking on THEIR responsibility.
#3. I hope they catch the men who did this to her and they throw away the key FOREVER (but you know it won't happen)
#4. She is clearly a good hearted women, I wish the animals could help her get through this hard time. I wish she wouldn't have tried to kill herself. CLEARLY the world needs her. I hope someone has told her that!
Hi Amy,
A friend of my sister is helping a neighbor trying to re-home some dogs. It's quite a sad story . . . This lady is a Hospice nurse, she was taking in her dying patients pets, when the families didn't want them. She was taking wonderful care of them, given the number if cats & dogs she had accumulated. 27 dogs, 15 cats. Three months ago she was jumped, beaten, and raped by 3 men, while visiting a patients home in a bad neighborhood. She was hospitalized for a while, this is when the situation for the animals got bad. Then about 3 weeks ago she tried to commit suicide, due to what happened to her. Her neighbor has been helping to care for and find homes for the animals. 15 of the dogs have been re-homed and amazingly all of the cats. There are 12 dogs left. 11 if them are small dogs, 1 med sized. Most of them are older, 2 of them including the med. sized one and a cute Bichon seem young, energetic and playful. There is a long coat mini dachshund, a chubby Italian Greyhound, some misc. Terrier mixes, 2 pekinese, etc.
A friend of my sister is helping a neighbor trying to re-home some dogs. It's quite a sad story . . . This lady is a Hospice nurse, she was taking in her dying patients pets, when the families didn't want them. She was taking wonderful care of them, given the number if cats & dogs she had accumulated. 27 dogs, 15 cats. Three months ago she was jumped, beaten, and raped by 3 men, while visiting a patients home in a bad neighborhood. She was hospitalized for a while, this is when the situation for the animals got bad. Then about 3 weeks ago she tried to commit suicide, due to what happened to her. Her neighbor has been helping to care for and find homes for the animals. 15 of the dogs have been re-homed and amazingly all of the cats. There are 12 dogs left. 11 if them are small dogs, 1 med sized. Most of them are older, 2 of them including the med. sized one and a cute Bichon seem young, energetic and playful. There is a long coat mini dachshund, a chubby Italian Greyhound, some misc. Terrier mixes, 2 pekinese, etc.
I was wondering if you could help or know of any group who could. All of the dogs seem healthy, well mannered, appears she's been taking them to the vet, I saw Heartworm preventative, and frontline. Though I did find flea dirt on them. Appreciate any help you can give or suggest.

Ugh - this makes me ill - what the hell is wrong with this world.
Oh my goodness...how cruel can any humans b. Can I share this on my Facebook pls to get more help for the dogs?? TQ.
Where are these dogs? I will take the Iggy or a terrier; I like old dogs. How can I help? http://silverwalkhounds.org.
This is just so sad. I think that's why it's really important to make arrangements for your pets. I asked a very good friend of mine if she would become guardian of my two dogs if anything ever happened to me and my BF. I don't want to take the chance of them being split up or going to a pound.
So sad :(
I don't have your email but have an awesome home for a VERY DRIVEN Jack. Woman travels the world with her 'pack' of rescues....each with their own talent.
If you could send me an email that would be great!
This is a heartbreaking post to read about the sad e-mail that you received. I agree with your post to this e-mail, I can only say a Pray for this woman who had a heart of gold and for her loving dogs. Hopefully these three dirt-bags(not what I really wanted to say) get caught and get what's coming to them. This is so sad....
Please post county/state. Thanks
My grandfather died about a month ago. His dog is sleeping on my bed right now. Having two dominate female pit bull mixes in one house has not been easy but I'm making it work because in the end the one that was truely there for my grandfather was Boo Boo. Boo deserves to be treated liek a queen for the rest of her life for being there for all these years. I think any deceased person would roll over dead in their graves if they new how their family divided up all their money and dumped the pet.
My condolonces to the woman I hope the best for her.
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