Dog rescue is a sad and dark place but as a rescuer regardless of all the horrible things you see... the abuse, the neglect, the death, the ones you can't help, the mean and cruel people... you deal with it for the dogs. You put on a happy face and you deal. This blog is to help one dog rescuer deal and hopefully show other rescuers they are not alone, even though it feels like that most of the time.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Stop and THINK!
This is EXACTLY WHY I say stuff to people and try to educate them. If you are "angry" with the way someone is treating a dog or you feel someone is doing something wrong towards a dog you have to say something. You can't just ignore them and pretend they know why you won't talk to them. THEY DO NOT HAVE A CLUE!!!
When I see a free puppy sign. I call the number and offer assistance to people to have their female spayed and I will take the puppies and adopt them out AFTER they are fixed. When I see someone.. for example walking or standing with their dog on hot blacktop I say something about how the blacktop will burn their dogs feet. Sometimes people aren't trying to hurt their dog or be mean they just don't know.
How they heck are things for animals going to get better if people don't address the issue one situation at a time?
I spoke to a women today who said her neighbor has dogs tied up outside all the time no shelter, no water, no food. I asked her if she has spoken to her neighbor.. of course she hasn't. I told her who she needed to call and what the laws were and she said well I don't want to get her in trouble I just want the animals to be ok. I told her you can't have it both ways... animals OK but you not saying anything. You need to address the issue and if she doesn't fix the problem then call the authorities. So, the problem will get fixed.
Honestly I don't understand why you have to have a dog if all you do is have it tied up outside. I honestly would rather the people set the dog free and / or take the dog to the dog pound. At least that way it has a chance. On a chain a dog has absolutely NO CHANCE!
I realize some people have out door dogs and really that is totally fine with me. Not everyone has to believe in a dog living in the house. Barn dogs or dogs in kennel don't bother me but dogs chained REALLY bother me. That is just a horrible life for a dog and makes them so aggressive.
I wish people cared more.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
No more pet stores... a girl can dream
**re post from msnbc
No pups for sale? Cities ban pet shops
Movement aims to curb puppy mills, spur shelter adoptions
Buying an adorable puppy or kitten at your local pet
West Hollywood, Calif., became the latest city to put a leash on pet sales in February, when its city council unanimously approved an ordinance prohibiting sales of dogs and cats in retail stores. Albuquerque, N.M., and South Lake Tahoe, Calif., have also banned pet sales. Other cities in Florida, New Mexico, Missouri and elsewhere are considering similar bans on the sale of dogs and cats.

There are no official statistics on how many pet-store dogs come from puppy mills. Between 2 million and 4 million dogs are born in U.S. puppy mills every year, according to the Humane Society of the United States, and many of those dogs do end up in pet stores — in addition to being sold over the internet, through newspaper classifieds and in other venues.
"Every time we do a pet store investigation [after a complaint], we find that puppy mills are the suppliers," said Stephanie Shain, senior director of the Humane Society of the United States' puppy mills campaign.
Shain said she believes that if animal-lovers became better educated, they wouldn't want to buy from pet stores that may be supplied by puppy mills.
Public sentiment does, in fact, seem to be veering away from pet store animals. A recent poll by the Associated found that more than half of those surveyed planned to get their next cat or dog from a shelter, seven times the number who said they’d buy from a pet store. And four in 10 said they thought store pets could have hidden physical or psychological problems due to overbreeding or other issues.
A ‘guilt-free shopping experience’
Of course, in cities with bans in places, even if people want to buy from a pet store, they can't. The West Hollywood pet sale ban got a lot of attention, but it was more symbolic than anything else since no pet stores there were actually selling animals when it went into effect. South Lake Tahoe's ban passed in 2009, but doesn't take effect until 2011.
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Craig Fritz / for Amanda McWilliams pets a dog she's considering adopting at Animal Humane New Mexico's new center Albuquerque on May 25, 2010. The rescue organization opened the boutique-style adoption shelter for people who want a pet but don't necessarily want to brave the city shelter. |

Since the ban started, animal adoptions have increased 23 percent and euthanasia at city shelters has decreased by 35 percent.
“By stopping these pet shops,” Weigle said, “what you're really doing is you're reducing the demand for puppy-mill puppies.”
At the same time, Weigle said, her private animal shelter has stepped in to fill the place of pet stores for people who want pets but don't necessarily want to brave the city shelter. In February, Animal Humane New Mexico opened a boutique-style adoption center with just a few hand-picked animals — mostly puppies, many of them pure-bred dogs that were abandoned or rescued by the shelter — so that people could "shop" for shelter dogs in a pleasant, retail-like environment.
Her goal was to adopt out 45 animals in the first month; instead, they placed 118 animals in new homes. Adoptions have been so plentiful, Weigle said, that her organization is preparing to open a second adoption boutique. Weigle said she recently had a young purebred Yorkshire Terrier available for adoption for just $135, the standard adoption fee.
"Many people will say, 'Oh, I just can't go to the shelter, it's just too sad,'" Weigle said. "But if you make a guilt-free shopping experience available, and they don't have to be confronted with 100 homeless pets staring them in the face, the shopping experience is very parallel to a pet store. If you give the public a choice to shop in that kind of an environment, they will."
Focus on breeders instead?
While Albuquerque animal
"The fact of the matter is that puppies sold by pet stores frequently come from highly reputable breeders who provide healthy loving pets to the public," said Michael Maddox, vice president of government affairs and general counsel for the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, an industry group based in Washington, D.C. "Notwithstanding isolated anecdotal stories that misrepresent pet
Dana Derraugh, owner of Le Petit Puppy in New York City, says she hates puppy mills as much as any animal lover. She specializes in small breeds suited to city life, and sells about five dogs a week from her upscale shop in Greenwich Village.
"When you go to a shelter, you don't know what you're going to get. A lot of them have emotional baggage. You're taking a risk," Derraugh said. Her clean, homey store, decorated with photos of celebrity clients like Sarah Jessica Parker, sells Pomeranians for $699, Chihuahuas for $799, and something she calls a "Chiweenie" — a Chihuahua-Daschund cross — for $950.
She gives her cell phone number to clients, so they can call anytime with questions or worries about their new puppies. "I feel like my mission is not just to sell the dog, but to hold your hand," Derraugh said.
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Craig Fritz / for A dog up for adoption peeks out of his room at the Animal Humane New Mexico on May 25, 2010. |
Laura Ellis, who bred collies on her farm in Vermont for 30 years before moving to New York City, said Derraugh is an example of a dog store owner who gets it right. She bought her Papillion, Penny, from Le Petit Puppy in October after researching every conceivable option.
While she understands why some people might want to rescue a dog from a shelter, that wasn't what she was looking for, and she makes no apologies for it.
"I don't want other people's problems. I just wanted to start fresh," Ellis said.
"The main thing is, [Le Petit’s] puppies are happy. They're high quality, well run, humane. I don't see what there is to complain about," Ellis said. "It's a pretty good life for a puppy."
Rebecca Dube blogs about pets at
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
And it is all legal
Part one of the two-part investigative report by WHAS11 News (ABC affiliate from Louisville, KY) - >
We encourage everyone to crosspost to family, friends and co-workers via Facebook, Twitter and e-mail. We also recommend and encourage you post comments online!
Thanks for serving as a strong voice for the dogs!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Puppy Mills in Holmes County Ohio (re post)
Today at 6:00 p.m., WHAS11 News will show you an investigation they have been working on in partnership with the Coalition to Ban Ohio Dog Auctions for several months. The story includes coverage of nine dogs rescued from this past Saturday's sale and an assault initiated against a WHAS11 investigative team member by auction owner, Harold Neuhart! (It should be noted that several dogs from this sale were tested for brucellosis - as confrimed by East Holmes Veterinary Clinic - and two were euthanized, with one scheduled to be euthanized.)
Here's the link to the trailer - >
Stay tuned for more details of this investigation to be mailed under separate cover!
Monday, May 24, 2010
You were loved. Always know that!
Unfortunately only being with his family a few short weeks Bear is no longer with us. His family is totally devastated unable to even talk about it. It is amazing how much one little dog can be so loved in such a short amount of time but yet tossed out on the streets marked to die at the shelter ;-(
The peaceful thing to know is the Bear died loved and knowing the meaning of a forever home. Although forever was not long enough at least he will have a family to pass over the rainbow bridge with.
We love you Bear Bear and you will be missed greatly by many.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
How does it not bother people
Pet Stores always seem to be busy I just don't understand!!!???
Look at this pictures below... when you lay your head down to sleep tonight, they will be DEAD! Pure breeds, designer dogs, mutts, ALL sizes, ALL ages, some already housebroken, some good with kids, some good with cats, all NOT AGGRESSIVE!!
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PS. This is only 1 pound out of 88 in Ohio.......... and I didn't even add all the pictures of the dogs slated to die :-(
Monday, May 17, 2010
Trying to stay positive
Adoptions seem to be some what slow too. I have people emailing me that are interested, I call them talk to them and NOTHING! :-(
I really want to help the mom, dad and puppies BUT I really don't have the room. I know darn well that some rescue will come in and take the puppies and leave mom and dad behind... puppies are much easier to adopt out. That is the only reason I am thinking about taking all of them. Just pisses me off when rescues do that.. I always say that isn't rescuing... that is taking the easy way out. Rescue isn't easy!! Jerks!
I am hoping I come out of this funk soon, it sucks. I haven't felt like this in a long long time. I mean I get discouraged yes but I really feel down.
Although as I sit here and type this sweet Ralf who had heartworm treatment is laying in bed with me (dogs per my husband aren't allowed on the bed... yet Ralf makes him self comfortable right next to my husband.. LOL) I look over at Ralf and smile.. what a sweet baby. I hope he finds an awesome home very soon. He deserves the best.
Friday, May 14, 2010

They were marked to die and now they will be vetted (spayed/neutered, shots, flea treatment, heartworm prevention) and are up for adoption to find a deserving family.
YAY for awesome people!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Ellen and Ralf
She is feeling better and at the boarding kennel where she can heal. I worry that all the other dogs at my house will irritate the dogs that just came home from the surgery so I always board them. Makes me feel better.
I dropped Ralf off last night to start his heartworm treatment :-( POOR GUY! I can't stop thinking about him. The good news is I get to pick him up on Friday. I thought it was going to be Saturday morning. That makes me happy b/c I just want him to come home so he can start feeling better.
I have been working like crazy the last few days to try to help to get 5 dogs to safety. UGH! I wish I had / knew more people in Columbus area. It would make getting dogs from Southern Ohio so much easier.
Paws crossed for Ralf, Ellen and the 5 I am trying to save that all goes well and everyone has a happy ending.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Night Night Vito!
He had to be put to sleep yesterday because he had a heart tumor that couldn't be operated on.

I am so sad. He was such a sweet little guy. Probably a product of some stupid puppy mill.... ugh! The tumor is totally genetic. Makes me so mad that more can't be done about people just breeding all these dogs and setting people up for heart ache. Not to mention the poor dogs that have to suffer because people are so flipping greedy. Makes me mad.
Then guess what I found out the other day. There is this jerk back yard mill breeder in MI and a few years ago my national group was trying to work with him to release a bunch of his JRT's over to rescue. Instead he killed them all and moved.
Well he moved and stated right back up again. The reason he moved was because he was getting harassed by so many people about having too many dogs. So why the hell would he just move and start over.. If I was getting as harassed as this guy was I wouldn't go back to doing it... UGH! People suck. I guess when you are criminal you are criminal and you don't care.
THEN the women who was busted in Texas a few years ago I guess is back to it again. I think there were 275 dogs taken by the state from that lady and only 180 made it to rescue or were adoptable. I took 4 in from that group and OMG what a mess. Those dogs were seriously backwards. 1 ended up jumping out of a window and was hit by a car and the other 3 were adopted. 2 are pretty normal and 1 is still very cat like.
Seriously what the hell is wrong with people?
I know I am fighting a loosing battle, I know that it would be so much easier to just give up but I can't bring myself to do it. Especially when I look into the faces of my rescue dogs. I just think how they would be dead, alone, scared, abused or God only knows what if I didn't take them in and it just kills me to think of that..
Will things ever get better?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Animal Planet Investigates: Petland' to address puppy mill allegations

On Monday May 17 at 10 p.m. ET/PT Animal Planet presents Animal Planet Investigates: Petland. The special will focus on a Humane Society's (HSUS) investigation into Petland’s alleged sale of puppies obtained from puppy mills and the subsequent lawsuit against Petland brought forth by the store’s customers.
Viewers are introduced to an HSUS undercover investigator named “Mike” who, after a dangerous investigation, discovers lengthy violations and inhumane practices at the commercial dog breeders who supply Petland. Violations included “more than 140 dogs housed in chicken-wire kennels, water bowls encrusted with mold and containing green water, pungent aromas of wet dog and one breeder's confession that she kills healthy dogs because of their less-than-stellar looks.”
Petland states emphatically that they do not purchase from puppy mills, yet “Mike” was able to find a connection between the retailers and the mass breeders.
"In our Animal Planet Investigates specials, we are committed to providing viewers with a raw and unrestricted access to crucial animal issues," says Marjorie Kaplan, president and general manager of Animal Planet. "It's our responsibility--however horrifying as it may be--to raise questions about the practice of mass dog breeding and to question whether hard profit is put before the welfare of animals."
Animal Planet Investigates: Petland also features many families who have been affected by Petland’s alleged connection to inhumane breeders.
The show is part of the Animal Planet Investigates quarterly series. Previously Animal Planet premiered Animal Planet Investigates: Dog Fighting. Animal Planet Investigates: Gang Dogs is the third installment of the series and will air next quarter.
Follow us [@thisdishisveg] on Twitter
Photo Credit: cc:
Monday, May 10, 2010
Adoption day update
Not sure I mentioned but Ellen has to have bladder stone surgery. Poor baby. She goes in on Tuesday night, has surgery Wednesday.
Ralf goes for his heartworm treatment on Wed and I pick him back up on Saturday. He is not going to be happy having to "stay still" for the next 30 days. I am seriously not looking forward to that.
Nothing else is really going on as far as the dogs go. Just trying to raise money for everyone's surgeries.
I have a beagle that goes in today for spay, heartworm test, etc. I am really really nervous she is going to come out HW positive too... I am like sick to my stomach worrying about it.. I can't wait to know but at the same time don't want to know... if that makes sense. I really don't have the money to put into a 7 year old beagle who has probably lived her entire life outside... how the heck am I ever going to find someone to adopt her... ugh!
They all get adopted eventually, right? LOL!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Up and down
Tomorrow I was hoping for some success at the adoption event but now I am worried because it is supposed to rain and be cold. Having a bunch of dogs inside the store where we are going is REALLY hard, being outside is so much easier. Now, if I was doing the event on Sunday CLEAR skies.
Oh and get this on someone's facebook page yesterday they posted
"FREE PUPPIES. Anyone want one?"
Apparently someone who comes into her store where she is a cashier has JRT/Schnauzer puppies he wants to get rid of. I know where she works and it is seriously 5 miles from my house.. I could SCREAM! I told her to tell the guy I would take them ALL and find them homes AFTER THEY ARE FIXED and I would fix mom at no cost to him but MOM MUST GET FIXED.
I highly doubt the stupid hill billy will go for it. OMG people make me so mad. I seriously wish I had money for bill board ads. How awesome would that be? Hey girl can dream.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
2 heartworm positive dogs

Sally was a sweet dog rescued from Scioto County Dog Pound. She was some sort of collie mix and we really aren't sure how old. She was my dog for about 4 months. Sally wasn't able to be treated for heartworm b/c she also had mammary cancer like Sasha did.. only difference was Sally couldn't have surgery because of her heartworm, we couldn't treat her heartworm because of her cancer :-( It was lose lose for Sally. But really I think it was a win for her. She lived in my house like one of my dogs and was happy just hanging around the farm. She was very much loved and I think in the end she knew that. Her picture is framed in my office at work and I miss her very much.
On Tuesday I took sweet, cute, funny, loving little Ralf into the vet. He has had really bad kennel cough for about 2 going on 3 weeks now :-( Poor dog. Ralf was tied up outside for what we know of at least 6 months. He was tied up outside ALL WINTER! His family lost the house and left him there tied to the dog house with no food, no water. After 6 weeks finally the neighbor was able to get someone to come out and remove Ralf and his girl friend off the property.
Usually when I get in a dog that has been chained up they are well CRAZY! They have so much pent up anger, energy, frustration from being tied up that trying to get them to be "normal" is just very difficult. NOT RALF! He is housebroken, great off leash, comes when you call him, just the sweetest dog, doesn't bark, LOVES to play with toys and play fetch. He is just an amazing little dog.
Now poor Ralf has to have heartworm treatment :-( He will get through it and he will be fine BUT he now has to wait EVEN LONGER to find his forever home because the treatment takes at least 30 days.
You know the old saying when it rains it pours? Well then the Miami County Dog (Eddie) was taken in yesterday to be neutered. Of course they do a heartworm test first... POSITIVE! So, he too has heartworm and has to be treated and has to wait for a forever home. NOT COOL!
For under $20 a month March - October this is totally 100% preventable! Kinda like mammary cancer. The only reason dogs get it, is because people are STUPID!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Trying not to let it get to me
For all of those who I talk to daily or know me personally I am apologizing now for any strange behavior or if I seem distance. I am working through some tough times and just know I am doing what I can to get through it, to stay positive and try not to let it affect me... although we all know it does and will.
Thanks to those for supporting me and thank you to all of those who believe in me. It is your positive thoughts that will get me through this and will help me erase the negative people from my life who do nothing but bring me down.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Amazing people
Then to make life easier I have received the address of the dog hoarder from a volunteer who had time and access to look up the address. Now, I have to find time to turn her in. LOL!
I have some great people who volunteer at the adoption event being a spokes person for the dogs. It is just wonderful.
Just amazing the people that volunteer for my group and how wonderful they are. Without them I couldn't even imagine how many dogs would be dead :-(
YAY! To all who have in the past and who currently volunteer for dog rescue all over the US and Canada too!
YAY TO YOU for being so awesome!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Adoption Day
Next weekend is the big adoption event so that is when I will have the majority of my kids there. I really hope some of these sweethearts can find a home next weekend. I just feel so bad when I have them for a long time because they are so deserving of a good home.
Next week will be a mini vacation for me. LOL! I will only have 4 foster dogs here until Wed when Martha gets picked up by her family. The 3 foster for the week. WOOHOO! Well I am working on getting the Jackson County dog, Smitty out of the shelter. If I get him then I will have 4 till Friday but still that is like a vacation. LOL!
The following week is when I am getting the female Rotti/Shepard mix from the people she was dumped on and then had 30 puppies... ugh... still makes me cringe. I just keep thinking about those 30 puppies.. well 29 because the people kept one... where are they? alive? dead? abused? having puppies? chained up outside? and now I am sick to my stomach.. I shouldn't think about it.
Well at least we are ending the cycle. THANK GOD. I did tell the lady that she has to do me a favor and that is to educate other who have un altered pets on the importance of fixing their dogs and spread the word of dog over population and how important it is for people to adopt vs. buying. She said she would. So, let's hope she means it.
I have been getting a lot of people asking me about the dog hoarder. I haven't had a chance to turn her in. I am still trying to figure out her address since it isn't on her mail box. My police friend is going to help me figure that out. Once I get that I will turn her in and I will pray that she soon decides to get the dogs homes, get them fixed and or NO MORE PUPPIES .. but the chances of that are slim :-(