Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Puppy updated

I am so excited and just blown away by the number of people who have helped out the parvo puppies. I have to stop into the vet today and see where my damage is at right now but as of Monday morning I was doing pretty good at paying it off. I am just speechless at the number of people that helped.

I have a days where I just want a normal life with no crazy dog rescue and I have days were I feel like I am really not making a difference and I have days that I think no one cares what I am doing and it doesn't matter but after the awesome response I received I know I can't ever quit. ;-)

Slow down so I can have somewhat of a normal life maybe but that is just more for my own sanity. It is so easy to burn out on dog rescue. They nasty people, the heartache, the sick dogs, the deaths, it just becomes too much to handle.

I have said it before and I will say it again just to remind myself... I might not change the whole world but for every dog I rescue I change the world for them.

The puppies are home and doing well. It is a bit of a bitter sweet thing because when I do my puppy head count I only go to 6 instead of 9 BUT at least I get to count to 6... ya know?

They are ALWAYS hungry.. LOL!! Very playful and follow me everywhere tripping me every chance they get. I have been late to work both Monday and Tuesday... I just couldn't stop watching the puppies and playing with them. Every morning I go to the barn and say "PUPPIES" and open the stall door and get attacked.... OH I LOVE getting attacked by puppies. Well except today, someone bit my toe really hard.. LOL!! Sharp little teeth.

Yesterday when we were playing I did snap a few pictures. here ya go!


**stay tuned for a list of donors names to be published ;-)


Anonymous said...

Oh they are just precious! I love when you post pictures - it makes my day!

Glad to hear they are home and doing well, and the vet bill is going down!

You do amazing work!

Abbeysmom said...

Thanks for all you have done!! The pictures were awesome to see too! Just know good things happen to good people!!

Thoughts said...

Oh thank goodness! thx for posting the pics, ive been dying to see these guys :)