So, hopefully they will end up on a card soon :-)
Wolfie was adopted tonight and the other 6 are going back to Gloria's and they will pretty much be in homes before the end of the day tomorrow!! I have the feed room in my barn covered in news paper with the heater blasting and a big pillow and blanket all laid out for them. I am going to have a mess to clean up in the morning.. LOL!!
Bob K. is coming at 6pm to pick them up and drive them to Gloria... I am not looking forward to the mess in the morning from the puppies.
Gloria and I keep saying how do people do it, breed dogs that is? UGH!! SO MUCH WORK! but then I guess they probably don't really care about them and don't worry about them being clean, happy and healthy.
So, today is also transport day! I got a male JRT, I named him Crash. He was hit by a car and has a broken Pelvis. I feel so sorry for him.
I am not sure of the exact story but he was at the Scioto County Pound. A women felt sorry for him... can you blame her? And paid for him to get checked out by a vet.
The pound said it will heal on it's own but yikes! I am going to call my vet office tomorrow to get him in for X-rays. I just worry that he needs a pin or surgery or something. Poor guy.
They said to leave him on crate rest... not like he can really walk anyways. I did talk to my vet today and they said to just get him out twice a day for potty and make sure he is sleeping somewhere soft and warm. They said it would be about 5 weeks before it would be healed enough for him to be "normal"
I set him up in the office in the garage. I have two heater going in there for him and have him piled with blankets

So sorry to hear of crash's broken pelvis. How is he doing?? Our little shiba Inu, roxy, was hit by a car 5 days ago and also has a broken pelvis. She hasn't had a bowel movement in days so I took her back to the vet yesterday and they said she isn't conatipated but am still worried. She's on pain meds and antibiotics but I know she is still in pain. This has been the most awful experience, for her and us. I wish a speedy recovery to crash and for our roxy too.
Not, sure if you (you being Anoymous) will read this but Crash didn't poop for days. We gave him an ennama just to get it all out. After that he felt a lot better. See the problem is they can't get around and it is hard to squeeze out the poop and not to mention if they are house broken they don't want to potty in the house so it makes it harder.
just ask your vet to give her an ennema.
And don't worry after about 3 weeks they are little more mobile. It is a long recovery though. I took Crash off pain killers after 3 weeks. The pain killers can have some nasty side affects... it scared me and he seemed to be ok... not in a lot of pain. I hate over medicating.
Hi again! Roxy's mom here. I took her back to the vet and they gave her an enema. She seemed to feel much better after that. Thanks for the advice. I hope crash is doing well. Take care.
Glad I could help!! Crash is doing good.. see todays post.
Hello, my baby (9 month Pug),Max, was hit by a car today and the vet said his pelvis is broken in 4 places. The surgery is about $4000.00-$7000.00, if we want it, but there is no way we can afford that!!! They said that we can crate him and it will heal, I was nervous about that because I don't want him to suffer but your story has made me feel better. They are keeping him tonight and we will see how he is in the morning, (I can't sleep and neither can my 10 year old) I hope he has a good night because I can't handle losing him!!!! Wish us luck!!!
Hey Pam! Get a second opinion. My vet told me that normal you can't do surgery on a broken Pelvis. As you can see Susan who left a comment had the same thing happen to her dog and he didn't need surgery either. All depends on the break I guess.
Hello everyone....And good luck caring for your dogs. My welsh corgi was hit by a car 2 weeks ago. He too broke and fractured his pelvis in 5 different locations... I too was offered surgery for $3000.-$5,000. But then the Surgeon said surgery is not always the way to go even if you had $$. He would only be able to fix 2 of the brakes. So since I am out of work I can care for NICKY day and night... I sleep with him and lay with him around the clock. My NICKY spent 2 days in the vet hospital...when we broght him home he was happy and ate and drank, which he wouldn't do for the vets. But then we started him on RIMADYL...beware of the side effects of this drug...please research before keeping your pet on it. My dog had stop eating for 6 1/2 days... I paniced... took him back to vet for blood count...everything was OK. He finished his antibiotic and I discountinued the Rimadyl. Now I am just waiting for bones to heal on their own. He gets very upset when he has to go to bathroom that's when he trys moving around, which scares me...he crys in pain. He finally had a BM 2 days ago...I was so happy!!! I was on this AM to see how long other dogs took to see improvement. So thank you everyone who shares their story.
Thank you everyone who has left comments about their dog and broken Pelvis. I never knew my Diary Blog would actually help so many. I am sure glad it did. I just wanted you all to know that Crash went to his forever home yesterday. He is doing great :-) Playing ball, running around.. the only thing he doesn't do is jump up but really that is ok with me and I am sure his new mommy!!
Hi....I feel a little bit better after reading your stories. Our Min-Pin, Penny was hit by a car after squeezing herself out of the gate yesterday. After receiving the x-ray results they revealed two fractures on her pelvis. Talk about mixed emotions after learning the cost of the surgery...$900 consultaion fee,about 4 to 7 thousand for the surgery and seeing my daughter so devestated with Penny's condition. Penny is her only consulation when she is on bed rest suffering from her asthma. Option two was to take her home and put her on bed rest for about 6 to 8 weeks and to take her back if she is not pooping in 3days. I welcome any suggestions you might want to share with me.
My 21 pound boston decided to run across the street today and get hit by a car. I took him to the vet and got the xrays done. He has a broken pelvis but on paper it didn't look bad. The vet said surgery is 2500. He also told be its not needed. I have a lot of meds for him and his stomach is all red it looks like its bleeding underneath his skin. He usually is a verrrrrrryyyyyyy hyper dog but he is so mellow now. Any advice or encouragment
, u can refer to me as b. Thanks guys
Brian and Joe -
Broken Pelvis is the worse. They do not act like themselves AT ALL!! They don't eat or drink water as normal partly because they are in pain. So, expect that. Also, it hurts for them to poo so they may need an enema if they haven't pooped in 3 or more days.
My vet said there is really no reason for surgery unless the break will hurt an organ by the bone poking into or at something.
So, really don't worry.
They will NOT stand the first 2 weeks so expect to have to clean them after they use the potty. Week 3 they will stand long enough to potty by week 5 they will begin to move a little more on their own, by week 7 you almost have a totally normal dog... minus maybe stairs and jumping up on the couch.
Trust me you can get through this. Just put their food and water right in bed with them so they can eat and drink when they want.
Becareful with the pain meds. They can cause HORRIBLE side affects. After the 2 week, I only gave Crach his when he acted like he was in pain. By week 4 he was totally off the pain meds. Also, keep in mind that if they are in pain they will stay still so they will heal properly. I know that sounds mean but it isn't like you can explain to them they can't move..
I hope this helps you. Let me know if you have any other questions.
update on Penny.....went home yesterday and she had moved around some and she also pooped! yay!!! Still not eating much of her food but when my daughter gives her some treats, she does eat that. We left a small TV on for a lil noise for her during the day when we are not home. On our way out today we forgot to turn it on for her and it's like she knew we forgot because she barked at us. Thought that was too cute! We can tell she is on her way to recovery.
I read this too late. Our lil girl was hit but it wasn't just a broken pelvis. It was also her large leg bone. We had to put her out so we could move her onto the x-ray table. When we moved her to get a second xray, she came out of it but then she stopped breathing and almost died. They said $4000 just for the surgery for the leg and they wouldn't do anything for her pelvis. The vet was not optomistic. But after I read this I feel like we should have called someone else. Small town only one emerg vet. She was an accomplished escape artist for only an 18month old. She chewed through our barricades and after I got home I seen that she had started to dig under as well. I just wish we had read this instead of being coached by our vet to do something so hard.
Hi, I want to thank everyone for their posts they have been very helpful. My Bashar, Baxter was hit by a car last wek and we were told that he broke his pelvis. He is on pain meds but I'm trying not ot give him very much. I am concerned about how well he is going to heal becasue he is so big and his legs are so stocky. I was wondering if anyone has had any expereince with a Bashar or maybe a Bassett hound healing from a pelvis fracture?
Hey guys. Thanks for all your comments. I had adopted a dog that had already been hit by a car (result: broken pelvis) a week earlier, and was supposed to stay crated for another 3 weeks so her pelvis could heal. I thought it might be good for her to heal up in my home instead of the chaos of a shelter. Unfortunately, I wasn't as strict with the crating as I could have been. She hated the crate so much (cried and cried, and would try to bury her poop with her nose, resulting in a bloody nose-tip!). So I started to let her out a bit, so she could sit with me. But the hobbling, and then pursuant walking etc. .. did not help her pelvis heal. So now, after a second x-ray since the original post-accident x-ray, it's clear that the break in the pelvis hasn't fused -- the opposite, it has opened up. The vet referred me to a surgeon (orthopedist-neurologist) because he thinks she should be operated. She has become much stronger and actually uses and stands on her weak side, but that crack, as it opens, can create even more damage. So tomorrow I see the surgeon for a consultation. I'm telling everyone this because it breaks my heart to think that due to my lack of self-discipline and patience (even if in the name of making my dog "happy" in the short term), I have caused my lovely Scarlett more harm than if I'd just left her in the shelter to patch up. Please, if you are told to immobilize your dog, take this very very seriously and avoid any movement until the vet is satisfied with the recovery. (On a slightly happier note, her tail, which had also broken off, has fused back to her spine, and she has began wagging it -- which I think was definitely helped by having a bit of fun. BUT all of this at the expense of recovery of her pelvis . . . :( OK sorry for the long post. Good luck all. BE strong for your dogs!!!!
My Great Dane female, Shady was hit by a car on 09-19-09. I took her to a vet on the 21st and he just examined her (no x-rays) and said he suspected a fractured pelvis. He perscribed some pain meds and an anti-inflammatory for her lungs as he said they were bruised. Well by the 27th, Shade has become much more mobile , even climbing stairs, but she has begun passing quite a bit of blood in her stools (which are completely liquid). This concerned me a great deal. So I took her to a different vet on the 30th. He did the whole x-rays, blood work, stool sample, etc. Showed me the x-ray confirming a broken pelvis, and he said that the colon had been cut (not all the way, just pierced) and that is where all the blood was coming from. He said she needs to have a plate surgically placed around the break, or she needs to be put down. My heart is there nothing else I can do?? Because of her size the surgery will be 5 to 7 thousand dollars. I cannot afford it. I will lose my house if I try. I love my dog, are there other options? Please advise. Thank you.
Hey Rachel - I would maybe talk to anther vet.. with the colon thing I am not sure what you would need to do. But I know that my vet said surgery on a Pelvis can be pointless. So, maybe talk to another vet. sorry... I wish there was more I could tell you.
Rachel, Don't put your dog down. Here's my story: After a month of keeping my dog immobilized after her accident(as I think you too should be doing), I took my dog and her broken pelvis for a vet visit, where they took new Xrays to compare to the original ones that were taken immediately after car hit her. The vet said the pelvis wasn't fusing and I needed to see a surgeon immediately who would probably recommend that I do the plate surgery thing. I was so unhappy and scared of this surgeon visit! But when I got there and showed this specialist the old and new x-rays, he said her pelvis, though not fused, was perfectly okay as the muscles around it were strong and forming quickly to compensate for the break. No surgery necessary!!! Since then (it's been 4 months) my dog is racing around without even a hint of a limp. I am not saying this will be the case with your dog, but please do yourself a favor: Take your dog to a surgeon or just show his Xrays to one(preferably a surgeon specializing in pelvic breaks). Regular vets DO NOT KNOW how to deal with these matters. So please, see a surgeon. About the punctured colon: Did either vet say that this would eventually heal? Also, are your dog's sphincter muscles/nerves intact (I mean, can he hold his poop in, or does it drip out of him constantly?). If those nerves are intact, your dog should be fine. Usually the reason dogs get put down after this kind of accident is that they can't hold their poop in. FYI: My surgeon was Dr. Prata at Veterinary Emergency Referral Group in Brooklyn New York.
Thank you all very much for your comments. My mini dachshund was hit by a car late last night and we spent hours with the vet watching her stabilize. There are no surgeons in the middle of the Pacific Ocean but when the vet said crate rest I thought he was nuts. It is very comforting to read others experiences with their beloved dogs. It will help us on her journey to recovery.
Hi everyone, great info on dog care between you all. I ran over my blue healer 5 days ago, she broke her pelvis and cut her back hind leg very badly and recieved over 100 stiches. we took her home from the vets today. The vet who i consider a good one told us to crate her for six weeks, she has had some bowel movements today for the first time since the accident and is back on her food. Will she be fully mobile again after 6 weeks? she was very active and has a 3 month old pup at foot. Its horrible having her crated.
October 17 Anonymous - Yes, your Blue Healer should be ok after crate rest. Just be sure to keep the dog on crate rest the ENTIRE time. It will take her a while to be able to do things, like climb stairs, jump on you, that kind of stuff. But keeping her on crate rest is very important.
Now as for the 3 month old puppy. Why in God's name does she have a puppy? Please tell me you show these dogs? And at 3 months the puppy shouldn't need mom anymore so her being on crate rest you should be fine.
The top 10 reasons to spay / neuter your dog.... they all were just killed this morning at the shelter!
Did you know a lot of rescues will not take in Blue Healers from the shelter b/c they are a difficult breed to #1 recover from abuse #2 they literally go crazy being in the shelter b/c of they are so smart #3 not a lot of people want to adopt them
A LOT of blue healers are killed in shelters... almost a guarantee if they enter a shelter they will be killed.
Just food for thought!
Also, fixing your dogs helps lower the risk of the dog dieing from cancer!
Thank you so much for all of your comments on this site. Our Min-Pin was hit by a car on Oct 1. We thought it was the end of the world! Our vet told us that with complete crate rest there was a 30%chance that she would return to normal so we decided to give her the chance to heal on her own. I found this site right after the accident and was so encouraged by the stories that I read that I felt better immediately. For 2 weeks I felt as though I had been hit by that car. More tears were shed over her than the loss of a family member! She is our special little "Angel" and almost completely back to normal. She is still unable to jump on furniture but she is going up steps on her own.
Thanks again for all of the encouragement and good luck to all who are going through such a difficult time.
My german shepard Molly climbed our fence and our neighbor brought her back limping she was only left out maybe 20 minutes and came home limping.We have no idea what happened she had no bruising or internal hemorage so thats an oddioty on its own. We let it go a couple days thinking that she just had a swollen muscle due to the fact she was walking. We brought her to the vet and the vet had thought the same thing but took an xray and was astonished to see that her plevis was indeed broken. Thankyou some much for your posts and lets keep in mind that if it was one of us with a broken sternium or pelvis we would have to do the same thing for it to heal.
I Corgi, Sissy was run over by a stock trailer 6 days ago. She has a broken pelvis on both sides and a broken femur. The vet said to try and let her heal by confining her to a crate. She urinated on the 2nd and 3 days, and had a BM on the 4th day. I thought we were in the clear, but now she hasn't urinated for 2 1/2 days. So I will take her back to the vet today. She looks good, eats and drinks. I have her on pain meds and today I started her on antibotics in case she has an infecton. If anyone has any advice or has had these problems, please post.
My sister in law works for a vet and gave me some good advice I thought I would pass along. When you take your dog outside to the bathroom, wrap a towel under the dogs belly to help them support their weight. This will keep them from putting pressure on the broken pelvis. Also mix a little pumkin from a can into their food. This will help keep their stol soft and it won't be as hard and painful for them to go to the bathroom. Hope this helps. And good luck.
My poor puppy was ran over by my car today and the vet stats the he has a very bad broken pelvis.. i have he at home with me.. he is on lots of pain med and a morphen patch... i am just on watch out for any changs in stool or urin.. i am praying for the best... he drinks but wont eat yet.. Anyone went threw this with there dogs
Imagine that you are in pain or sick, do you feel like eating?? No, not usually. Once the pain meds kick in and the dog gets "use to" the pain he/she will eat.
The idea to make the stool a bit softer is a GREAT idea!!! Thanks!
Just give broken pelvis time to heal. It is horrible for the dog as keeping him/her quit is #1 most important and DO NOT let the dog try to move even if YOU THINK the dog is better and can move around. LISTEN to your vet.. very important. you don't wan the dog hurting him/her self again.
I'm glad I found this thread. I just adopted a Chi-Yorkie mix from the shelter about 1 month ago. When I got her, she had some obvious lameness in her back legs and reduced tail function. That resolved and now she is sound behind but still has some limited ROM on the tail. I had her x-rayed when I had her spayed this week and we have a broken pelvis and broken tail. They want to do surgery and remove the tail. She is very active, even jumps onto the bed of her own accord, jumps down, etc. The only sign of discomfort is that she will turn around and look at or nip at her butt while pooping so I think that must hurt, but otherwise she is very active and doing great.
I'm going to get a second opinion before proceeding with surgery but this thread was very interesting. She was caged in the shelter for several weeks after her accident and now is crated all day while I'm at work, so I think I inadvertently did the right things for her.
i'm now very concernen my do hasn't had a bowel movemeny now in 4 days will he go or what do i do
ask your vet for something to make is poop soft, that way he can poop without pain.
He not being able to poop will only make him feel worse.
my dogs leg is terribly swallen on the side where pelvis is broke . i took him to the vet and he told me this is not normal for a broken pelvis so he gave me lasix. i would like to know if anyone has had this happen before i'm really worried about him and i'm hoping everything is ok.
Thank you so much for your information! I was able to talk calmly with our vet about "crating" our little dachshund that had been run over by a car. Of course, the vet's advice was to put him down because he had 3 or more pelvic fractures. He was eating the first day he came home! Soft blankets, 24 hour care, meds for his bad hips made him almost normal now! He's running & walking on all four legs!!
Hi my name is Karla and I have a 1 yr old pitt named Maggie and 1 1/2 year old huge dog named Bear. Yes and he does look like one too :) Yesterday Maggie was hit by a car and the vet told us that she has a broken tail that will need to be amputated and a broken or fractured pelvis. They told me that sometimes these things can heal themselves but the tail would have to be amputated for sure. I rescued maggie from being put to sleep when she was a puppy. At that time I was pregnant with my first child so she was my baby before I had a baby. I had the mothering instinct starting to kick in so we have been inseperatable from the beginning. My life would not be the same without her in it. I always felt that vets want to care deeply for animals. If this is true why is everything so exspensive. My husband brought her in the house after it happened and all I could do was hold her and cry. She is like my child. The best friend I have ever had. People tend to give pitts a bad name but Maggie has proven time and time again to have the personality of a human and has unconditional love for everyone and everything. We chose to raise her without raising her like a pit. no trimming ears or clipping her tail and this worked well to mold her temperment. We do not have allot of money but our dogs are very important to our family and we will do anything it takes including work overtime to save them. Vet or not!
Karla - The broken pelvis will just take crate rest and seriously don't let the dog move around. Be careful though b/c you may have to give the dog a stool softener. It seems to be common for them to have a hard time pooping.
As for the broken tail... I just had a dog I rescued with broken tail. It just hung there like a pony tail. My vet said just leave it. So, I guess it depends on how bad it is. You might want to get a second opinion just in case.
Dog Rescuer,
I took her to the vet and they gave her pain medications and did tell me to put her on bed rest for a long time. I have noticed that around her anus it has turned red and purple and a little swollen. she has been pooping normally though and she also has a reddish purple line on her belly about two inches leading down to her vagina. I am unsure what this is caused from if it is not just bruising. Her tail that they suggested me amputated and they told me she is unable to move it, she was wagging her tail today. The hardest part of this is keeping her in one place for log periods of time. She is a very active dog and I can't leave out of the room with out her trying to fallow me. She has been walking way better the times I have taken her out to use the bathroom. We don't have a kennel or any extra funds to buy one at this time. What is worse is we have hard wood laminate floor through out our house so the floor is very slick. I am so confused on how to make this easier for her. I have her on soft blankets and keeping her warm. I am wondering if the reddish purple tent to her lower belly and anus is just from the impact or if it was from her slipping on the slick floors at the vets office and at home. She is so determined to be normal again I can tell. I will keep you guys updated on her condition. It is so nice to know that me and her have every ones support her and the stories here are similar. If anyone knows about what kind of bruising to look for and swelling please let me know. Maggie says thank you for your help. She is sleeping allot and eating and drinking well. But I can tell she is still in allot of pain and will be for a while. I seem to be the only person that can move her without hurting her. This could be because she trust me more than others. My husband tried to move her legs in a laying position and she hollers out, But does not make a sound when I do it. I think it is best that i am the only person that moves her from here on out.
Hi Karla
There was a quarter size lump on our dachshund that developed the first week. The vet said to report if it got bigger & that it was most likely a blood blister. He passed this a couple of days later in his stool. He had antibiotics twice a day and still takes Metacam because he was diagnosed with "bad" hips genetically. Metacam helps control pain & inflammation associated with osteoarthritis in dogs. He has always been an active dog so he tried dragging himself so he could see us. He didn't want to be alone period when he was sick. He whined a lot: a sign of pain. So we put the crate where he could see us. The crate was great because it kept him from moving too much allowing his pelvic bones to heal, had a removable tray for easy cleaning & removal of his stools (quite frequent) & his three soft blankets that needed constant washing. In the sixth week he began walking on all four legs, he runs now & he can go up the porch steps! Hope Maggie has a great outcome too!
I am so thankful for your blog, I'm sure when you posted it you had no idea it was going to turn into such a hit. My chinese Crested was hit by a truck 3 days ago and broke her pelvis in 3 spots, we just moved and have not established a vet yet, so we went to one we saw was close, it was not a very warm vet at all, at suggested we have her put down right away but if we didn't suggested the kennel rest. She is sore and I was worried because she too had not gone poo. Today she limped out herself and went all over the floor, I've never been happier to see dog poo on my floor!!!! Reading everyone's stories have given me hope for my precious baby! Thank-you everyone for sharing your stories!!!! ♥ Nikki's Mama
I was riding my bike yesterday with my chihuahua in the basket. Normally, she enjoys this. YESTERDAY, however, she decided she wanted to jump out of the basket...right in front of the wheel... I ran her over. I rushed her to the vet and they said she has a broken pelvis too. THANKS FOR ALL THE INFO!!! I was sooo nervous about this 'cage rest' idea. I am glad to know she'll be just fine. THANKS! :)
We have an 8 week old Chihuahua named Koda. Last night I accidentally shut her in our front door. Our midnight trip to the vet said the same thing. Crate rest. Pure pumpkin to keep her stools soft and pain meds once a day. She is very active and loves to play so she was already trying to pull herself around the house this morning after us. I have her in a crate now, actually a big plastic tub with blankets since she is so small and fits in it. She is not happy and crying a lot about being in there but thanks to reading this, I won't cave in and let her out. Thanks for sharing all your experiences. I feel so miserable about hurting her that I haven't stopped crying since last night. We have only had her for a week but I can't bear to loose her.
Another thing the vet told us was to make sure we get her fixed the second she is old enough. We were planning on it anyway but she said since the pelvis may not heal normal, having puppies could be awful for her.
Thank you so much for all of your posts!!! They have helped us so much coping with our dog, Gubby's broken pelvis. Gubby just fell over one day screaming in pain. Turns out it is a broken pelvis... maybe age and falling off the bed?? Anyway after we got him home he does not seem to know that he can't walk even though he falls when he tries. We have him in a crate but if we turn for a second he tried to jump out. Took him out side and he took off. What can we do to encourage him to not walk??? It has only been one day and we have 6 weeks or so to go! The vet showed us the xray and it is clearly fractured!!!
Hi Megan -
Don't let your dog guilty you into letting him run around. Keep him crated even if he cries. Only a few weeks and then he can be a little more mobile. If he is really not wanting to chill out talk to your vet, maybe he can give you some tranquilizer to calm him down.
I hope that helps. Good luck
Hi there. I also have a pug puppy (7 monthes).. he got hit by a car 3 days ago and we were all absolutely devistated. our family was all outside and actually saw it happen. anyway.. i was completely depressed about it for a couple days, but after reading all of these posts, i must say i'm starting to feel a lot better. we took him (Winston) to our emergency vet the day it happened and were told that the pelvis was very severely broken, and were given pain meds. he is taking them and we took him to our own vet yesterday. he again, assured us that it will be a very long healing process, but that he should be okay in the long run. He is having regular bowel movements which i think is helping. the vet was very pleased with the fact that he is eating and drinking completely regularily so i'm also thinking that is a good sign. anyway.. thank you so much for all the encouraging words! i'm just hoping for a speedy recovery beucase i can't stand seeing him like this.
I'm so graceful for having found this blog. My daughter's beloved dog Sage, a 4 yr old chihuahua/jack russell mix, was hit by a car yesterday. We were told to take her to animal urgent care for x-rays and just as we had suspected Sage has a broken pelvis in 3 or 4 places. Like everyone else on the blog the doctor recommended surgery costing $2000-$4000. I felt bad that I could not afford the surgery until he suggested bed rest as an alternative. They recommended we leave Sage at urgent care overnight and come back in the morning to check on her which I did. They brought her out and she was alert but I could tell she wasn't herself because a cat wandered into her room and she didn't try to chase it but she didn't take her eyes off the cat for one moment.(lol) The vet wanted to keep her another day because she hasn't used the bathroom nor was she eating and her body temperature was unstable from the shock. After reading all your comments, I'm more optimistic about Sage recovery. Thanks a bunch. Glad I found this blog. Take care everyone. I will keep u updated. Sorry for the long post.
Carolyn -
It is total normal for them not to eat and not using the bathroom is totally normal. They are in pain so they don't feel like eating. You may want to give the dog a stool softener. Pooping is very difficult to do with a broken pelvis :-(
The first 3 weeks are the hardest but by the time you hit the 5th week you will see her getting around. Just remember the less movement she does the better. By week 8 she should be almost back to normal.
I am glad this blog was able to help you and I hope all is well with Sage.
Hi, i have an 8 month cocker spaniel, yesterday my dog walker took him out for his daily walk and he was hit by a car, couldn´t take him to a vet cause i live in a small town and they don´t work after hours, the thing is that today the vet came to my house and told me he has his pelvis fractured, canucho hasn´t been himself, hasn´t eaten all day, he drunk water and vomited, i was a worried cause i thought he might die, but after reading this blog i saw i wasn´t the only one with the same problem. hope to se my dog feel better with the days, have him on a crate rest, well a it´s a box actually that i cut, he´s been wanting to get out of it, and moving a lot, i put soft covers and his dog pad, hope he doesn´t move when imm not here, so far that´s my story with my dog, will keep you posted, i´ve been giving him pain killers and some
Hi, i have an 8 month old cocker spaniel, and yesterday my dog walker took him out for his daily walk, and got hit by a car, couldn´t take him to a vet cause i live in a small town and they don´t work after , hours, so today i had the vet come and take a look at him and told me he has a fractured pelvis, haven´t taken him to get an x-ray but i will, he´s been with some pain killers all day and hasn´t eaten nothing, he drank water but vomited, he has me pretty worried, but after reading this blog, it has help me on keeping positive in his recovery, have him on a crate rest, actually it´s a box stuffed with towels and his dog pad, but it´s soft, he´s been wanting to get out of it, and moving a lot, hope he gets used to it fast, cause when he drags himself he cries alot, i will keep you posted with the outcome, thanks again this blog has been really helpfull.
I have a 4 month old german shepherd puppy who was hit by a car 2 days ago. I was given some options by the vet but none of them were to put her down. She has a broken pelvis as I clearly saw on the x-ray. She is home with me right now. She is being crated, surgery might be an option at some point but I certainly do not have the money. I carry her around and only have her outside to go potty. She is eating like usual and drinking a little. She barks at the other dogs and the cats just like she always does. I did not have the heart to put her down. I am willing to crate her for as long as I have to if it means she will be able to heal. It is not cruel but is the best hing to do to give her comfort in healing. I am glad that I stumbled upon these comments because it helps me to realize that I made the right choice! I love me little girl.
My Basset Hound, Boomer was hit by a Car 4 days ago. The vet said he has a broken pelvis in a few places, but that it would take months for him to fully heal. After reading all of your blogs it seems like dogs can start walking again after 6 weeks, is that true?? He has been laying on a pillow in our room, with constant supervision so he doesnt move. Everyday we try to lift his pillow, with a piece of wood underneath so he doesnt move, outside so he can get fresh air. Boomer also hasnt made a BM since, he has got hit but I know, after reading your blogs, that he needs an enamae.
I hope my boy gets better quick because i hate seeing him in pain. He also tried to drag himself around, but we quickly put him back in place.
Basset Hound Anonymous -
6 weeks it about when they are able to "move" You need to make sure he takes everything SLOWLY. I honestly wouldn't be moving him in and out of the house for fresh air. Just leave him in one place... unless he needs to potty. Crash wouldn't potty in the house on the potty pads so I had to take him outside.
The less movement the better for him.
You might want to ask your vet for stool softener so that he will have an easier time going potty.
Good luck
Hello All
My precious little girl Lilly ( party pom ) was hit this morning by a car, truck, bike, hum I dont know because they did not stop. My neighbor knocked on the door to tell me she was hurt and crying. I took her straight to the animal hospital. Lilly was in shock and was put on IV fluids and they took x rays to find she has a broken pelvis in 2 places. The vet said that surgery would be our first option but it would cost between 2500 and 3500. We do not have that kind of money so our second option was to crate her for 8 weeks. She said the first two weeks to carry her outside to potty and then after the second week to walk her on a leash to potty but the right back to the crate. We go back in two weeks to get e rays again to see how she is healing.
I want to thank you for your blog. It has answered so many questions for me. I will keep you updated.
Lillies Mommy,
Our dog was hit by a car on June 30th while we were on vacation. Our neighbor, who loves him like we do, was watching him. No vet would take him unless we were here. So we packed up and came home, but couldn't make it home until 24hrs after the accident. The night it happened, he was acting normal. The next day it went slowly downhill. When we got him to the emergency vet, he was in shock. He spent 9 days at the vet, in which he was on IV's, pain meds, and antibiotics. He also had a plasma transfusion. They were also force feeding him as he would not eat. His pelvis is broke in 4 places. After the infusion, he was doing better, although he still would not eat. His bloodwork was suggesting kidney damage. They did not want us to bring him home because of this, but we were confident that we could get him better! After 2 days of being home, he was eating on his own and trying to move around a lot more (although we wouldn't let him!)We also took him off of the pain meds, as he is not acting like he is in pain. When we took him back to the vet after those 2 days, they were shocked to see his blood work return to normal! Now he is still on 3 different antibiotics and 2 medicines for his stomach. My question is when can we safely take him off of the antibiotics? He has been on them for 2 weeks, and he has enough for 17 more days. We hate to over medicate him and would like to take him off of the antibiotics. It stresses him out to take them (we have to force them down his throat and he moves around and tries to stand up to stop us). We tried mixing them in his food, but as soon as he tastes them, he stops eating. Any advice you can offer will be greatly appreciated!
Anonymous from July 14, 2010 7:05 AM
I am not a vet so I honestly I don't know when you should take him off the medicine. Have you talked to your vet? Did you get a second opinion?
I know when a dog has kennel cough and is on medicine if after 7 days it hasn't cleared up then my vet gives me stronger medicine for 7 more days and that usually does the trick. Only once did I have a dog that after 14 days was not getting any better. We heartworm tested him and he was heartworm positive...hence the coughing.
I would maybe talk to another vet and see what they think.
Good luck.
Thank you for your response! We did talk to the vet and they want us to finish the medicine. We just feel that it is way too much to be on antibiotics for over a month, especially when there are 3 of them. He is acting normal and has a normal temp. We are worried that being on them for that long will do more harm than good.
I agree with you.. I would feel the same way. Maybe ask another vet.. just see what they think. It is always good to have a second opinion.
Hello there,
last night my 23 month old yorkie was at my mom's and from her 2nd story deck he was able to jump onto the roof and ended up falling. He has minor bruising but he also broke his pelvic bone on one area. I spent $450 last night on just an x-ray, morphone and painkillers...
The vets were telling me the ONLY solution is to have surgery. After reading stories on here of dogs who were worse off than my puppy is, I'm wondering if surgery isn't the ONLY solution after all. Especially since I don't have $2-$4k to spend on my dog as I am pregnant and I have to save for my baby's arrival. I know that sounds bad because my dog is a member of the family, but my hands are just tied.
I am really really really scared that he will die if I don't take him to get the surgery because of what the vets were saying...
My 4 year old daughter is so heartbroken because they are best friends and I know it hurts her to see him confined in a small crate...
I am lost and I don't know what to do... I wish I were brave enough to just keep him in the crate for weeks since I have many people who would help look after him but the vets kind of scared me into thinking that surgery is the only option...
Yorkie Mom - I would get a second opinion. I am not a vet so I don't want to tell you what you should or shouldn't do.. I would take him to another vet and get another opinion. BY THE WAY the vet that did the x-rays can send the x-rays to the vet you are going to for the second opinion. That way you don't have to pay for them again ;-)
Hello all,
I will be brief - there is not much else to say that has not already been said... My "Gidget" is an 18 month old shitzu- She got ran over and has a broken pelvis too... Thank you for all the advice and encouragement - I was not sure about the "crate rest" method but now I feel much better. Hopefully she will recover nicely... now I just have to be consistent w/ not letting her walk. LOL She is really trying too- and going to the bathroom too- so hopefully it will be OK. Thanks again.
Gidget's Mom
Greetings to all; My dog, Oakley, a black and tan hound was hit by a car today; I'm so upset with myself that I didn't have her on a leash; The Dr. is stabilizing her now; I am determined that I will be able to bring her back to good health. Her pelvis is broken; with all of the comments here; I really believe that she can heal on her own! Please pray for this angel! Thanks so much for all of your efforts.
Thank you all sooo much for your posts!! This was just the reasurance i needed. I have a large blood hound that got hit and has a fractured pelvis and tail. He's doing well, acting himself and eating and drinking. My concern is that he's not wanting to pee or poop. His last pee was over 24hrs ago and it was lots. He's still drinking but even with massage i can't get him to pee. He's in terrible pain if i try and help him up (even with a town to support underneath). Also he hasn't pooped since the accident and today is day 5. When i phoned my vet this morning he wasn't worried. He said if he's still eating and drinking its all fine and will just take time. I wasn't too happy with that response. I have started him on "lactulose" a stool softener to help make it easier for him to go. I'm still concerned that he's not wanting to pee, he's drinking water but seems like he's holding it in. What should i do?? I know the vet isn't concerned but how long should i wait??
Sincerely, Natasha
I'm happy so say that my hound Hoyt finally pooped this morning!!! It's been six days but 2 small doses of lactulose was all he needed! He's not holding his pee so long either. I guess he was just embarased to have to pee in his pen. I was worried because he has been laying on his hurt side. (his pelvis is only fractured on the left side) and his leg was very swollen! He's a huge dog, nearly 100lbs, so i can't move him. Today he stood up on his own, moved over and layed on his opposite side! It was terribly sore for him but he seems to be doing great!!! Again, thank you all for your posts!!! Hope everyone and there dogs are doing great!!
My 10 month lhasapoo jumped out of the car and got hit 10 days ago. broken pelvis on non weight bearing part. He can walk pretty well now and wants to be active again. should i let him do more? Eating, drinking and eliminating all fine.
just remember keep your dog calm and relaxed. you don't want them doing too much for about 4 - 6 weeks. And as long as they are able to use the bathroom then you are fine.
this whole post and all its comments is incredible! ! ! !
we're about to foster a dog with a fractured pelvis and I'm not nearly as nervous after reading all this info.
Thank you so much!
once the dog is up moving around, joint supplement is a good idea so the dog doesn't develop arthritis as badly as it would if you didn't give him / her joint supplement.
And saying laying around is really the best thing :-)
hi everyone,
thank you all for your comments. my pug/chihuahua named nuggie got hit by a truck 4 days ago. i brought him to the vet who took x-rays which confirmed he had a broken pelvis and because of the new years holiday, i had to bring him to ottawa to a 24 hour emergency pet hospital. the vet at the animal hospital recommended i get surgery for nuggie but i cannot afford the cost of $3,000. i feel horrible that i cannot afford the surgery and feel even more horrible that i did not have him on a leash which lead to his accident:(
despite the vet recommending surgery, she also suggested the option of 6 week cage rest which is proving to be a little difficult as nuggie was very active prior to the accident. nuggie is on pain meds, anti inflammatory meds as well as antibotics from an increased liver enzyme which is common in trauma.
nuggie has urinated and had a BM on his own which made me cry with joy and he has been eating and drinking on his own too. although it has only been 4 days, nuggie is one tough little dog who has rarely cried or whined with the amount of pain he is in. he can stand on his own and can hobble/walk as well however i am trying very hard to keep him immobilized. i appreciate all the posts regarding cage rest as i too was nervous about letting him heal on his own.
thank you, liz
Hi all
I came across this blog about 10 weeks ago when my puppy was hit by a car. Can i just say thank you all for your information - it helped me make the decision - as i was very concerned with the pain involved in the process (also being quoted $5000 - $6000 for the surgery) We caged our pup for 5 weeks and apon return for xrays the vet told us it had started to heal but could easilty dis-lodge - he would have to be caged for another month. (this is when i started giving him calcium suppliments)
Now - 10 weeks later we have decided to let him out, he runs with a skip but is gradually getting better. Alot of people told me to put him down! That for quality of life it is more humane! I'm glad i listened to my heart!
If any one is concidering which way to go - if you can't afford surgery and the pelvic fracture isn't too impairing - cage rest is the way to go.
Thanks guys - i have my hypo little boy back ;)
Our 5 year old Jack Russell was hit by an suv 2 weeks ago. We rushed him to the animal hospital where they did xrays to find he had a broken pelvis. Like many others surgery was not an option for us due to the expense. We brought him home with pain killers, antibiotics, and anti inflammatories. We have kept him in the crate except for placing him outside to go to the restroom and we are holding him in our laps a bit. (we want him to know he is loved, but also realize the importance of him being still, so we are not allowing him extra movement.) At any rate he was so pitiful at first, but he is doing GREAT. Just yesterday he started to stand on all fours when we take him out to go to the restroom. He wants to walk already, but we know the importance of keeping him still longer. I honestly feel he would not have healed any better if we had done surgery. Perhaps it would have been even worse due to additional wounds and healing. He had lacerations to both legs and they are all healed at the two week point also. I believe the crate is the most important part in the healing.
I thank goodnesss this isn't the first time I have dealt with this. The first time was when my cat, Hector, was hit by a car. i thought it was his leg, but took him in and it was his pelvis. They said either surgery or bed rest. But they told me that with bed rest (crating) that he wouldn't be able to walk well again. He ended up fine. but was later shot 3 times with a bb gun and lost his hind leg. He had lost his tail the first time. I did the surgery to remove the leg. He came home, healed up, and was then stolen from me. Now I have a black lab. She just got hit 3 days ago, she's on bed rest, on the couch. My husband and I take turns staying with her. She won't eat dog food, but will eat meat. And drinks water well, and pees, but no BM yet. He's frantic and I keep telling him she will be fine. She stays on the couch like a good girl as long as someone is in the room with her. Take heart, and take care. because if you are freaking out, your baby can tell and will stress out as well. Watch if they are shedding, shedding is stressed animal. Sheba started shedding about 10 minutes after she was hit, and continued at the vet's office. Now it's going away and she's shedding a lot less now.
My dog duke a 7 1/2 month old collie got hit by a car yesterday, we brought him to the vets and his front shoulder was shattered it would cost about 1200 to amputate, and then they found his pelvis SHATTERED in 4-5 different places, Duke never got to see spring. . . . .
I am so sorry Jennings for your lost. My dog Jack also got hit by a truck on Wednesday night and has a broken pelvis. He has pain meds, antibotics and stool softners but he hasn't had a bowel movement yet. When we take him outside he stands up and walks off and we think he is going to so we let him, but he never does. I want to try a ennema but I don't have a clue? Help please!! I am so worried about my Jackie Boy and the vet says if he doesn't have one in a few days there is nothing they can do for him!
Thanks to everyone. My 8 year old... rescue from a puppy mill yorkie was run over last night by my husbnad. It was all accidental. I have two yorkies and had put one in the house because he will run up to a car. Zoe is an attachment disorder baby and will not leave my side. I was bent down in the flowere bed and looked up saw her running to greet her daddy and he did not see her and ran over her. And I could not get to her fast enough. She has a broken pelvis. They are uncertain of any other injuries until they can sedate her more for other xrays. Thanks for all the stories. She has never been crated and that will be the hardest thing. She sleeps in bed with us and her brother sleeps in a cat bed. But sounds like I have to tough it out and keep her crated till she heals.
The talk about dogs not having bowel movements scares me. My Jack Rat Terrier was hit by a car sunday and her pelvis is fractured in 5 places too. I just brought her home yesterday and she ate pretty good when she settled in but didn't have a bowel movement last night or this morning. I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem, thanks for posting this!
I'm so happy to have found these postings. My 6 lb yorkie, Bo, was hit by a car on April 15th (the day before my birthday). The vet told us that he fractured both joints in the pelvis (where the legs connect to the pelvis). I too was told either to see an orthopedic surgeon which would cost thousands or do nothing and hopefully Bo will heal within 1 to 2 months. Listening to him cry is breaking my heart! He won't eat his dog food yet. He will eat a tiny bit of meat. He is urinating and so far pooping too. I guess this is a good sign.
my little pug "tuna" was hit by a car 3 days ago,and has a broken pelvis.the vet recomended surgery at a cost of 4500 to 6000.the pelvis is broken and the break extends into his hip.i cannot afford that much money.but i am worried that if i crate him and leave it to fix itself that his leg on the broken hip side will become lame,or develop arthritis.i have to make a decision by morning.any advice would be greatly appreciated!tuna is like an older brother to my year old daughter,i just want him better
Im soo glad I found this,it really did help reading all of the post.April 12th,my almost 3 yr old lab mix got hit..It was between 4.30 and 5 am when it happened.We called all the vets and animal hospital in this area and none seemed to be open.I was so afraid she wasnt gonna make it until hers opened.Never can tell with out xrays and such if theres internal bleeding and such.We did get her down there about 7 15,a few mins before they opened.the vet gave her some pain killers and muscle relaxers and within a few minutes,she would be asleep in no time.She had indeed fracture her pelvic and her hip was dislocated. He was able to pop it back in without surgery.He kept her from that tuesday till friday.She was sent home with 10ml of metacam,in a syringe to be given oral once every 24 hours for pain for 10 days,and 500 mg of cephlexin,which are to be given 2 pills twice a day to help for and / or prevent infection.Because no surgery was required(vet said nothing much surgery could do to help this)our bill was $500,luckly,on a payment plan.That included vet stay/hospital treatment(in the vets office),initial exam,and all the meds while there and take home meds.Last monday she seemed like the metacam wasnt taking enough pain away because she still cried/whined alot,so he gave here 2 weeks of tramadol,50 mg. tablet is to be given every8 hours for two weeks.It helped aton.By Friday,she was able to get up and slowly walk outside to potty.I had put a blanket out there for her to lay on for abit too.Vet said it was great progress,but to make sure she didnt over do it,she still needed time to heal.It was also time to slowly wean her off some of the meds.Fimish the metacam since she only had 3 doses left tho.So,I only gave her 1 of the tramadols in morning and her metacam at night,dropping 1.Last night was her last dose of metacam, (she finished the cephlexin saterday I think it was) Im going to try her on just 1 tramadol and see how it goes.If she seems ok and with min. pain,I hope she can be taken off completly off by this Thursday.
I hope all of you and you animals the best,and a very quick recovery!!!
I feel soooooooooooo much better after reading all of your posts.My 16/17 year old jack russell was knocked down by my dad this morning. Needlesss to say we are all devasted. We took her 2 the vet and we were told that her pelvis was broken, and the next 2-3 days is critical. heres hoping Mindy pulls through:(
Hi dog rescuer,
I have an 11 year old shih tzu, named Poptart, shes been my little best friend for half my life now, and in the midst of moving this past weekend, my uncle accedentally hit her with a 11 foot utility trailer (the steel frame with wooden floor & steel ramp on the end)
She initially could not move her legs or tail, and i tried pinching between her toes to see if I could get a reaction, so my biggest fear was she was paralyzed. I'll never forget the screams I heard as I was poulling in the drive way and saw my dad running from the other side of the house, and now I know why such painful sounds were coming from my little angel.
She has 8 or more breaks in her pelvis, in both hip joints, the middle pelvis looks to be intact, but she is in immemse pain.
I took her to the vet and shes going on her 3rd day there, she had a small bowel movement yesterday, and has urinated yesterday and today.
The vet sent the x-rays to an orthopedic surgeon to be assessed, and he has said that they could perform surgery, but it would be multiple surgeries to get her back to normal.
I asked about crating, or casting her so she is limited in movement, and they say that that is an unlikely solution because it can cause problems down the road with her abdominal organs, if the pelvis fuses improperly and collapses.
the poor little thing just had surgery in December to remove a mammary mass that was about 4 inches in diameter, which they believed to be cancerous. But she has done so well, and has healed up incredibly and was back to normal, until saturday :(
I guess my biggest question would be what the likeliness of her having a somewhat normal life, or can she even, if we go with crate rest, Ive never had a broken bone of any kind myself, so I can only imagine what my little baby is going through right now.
Shes 11 but shes still so full of life and love, and I would hate to have to put down my little girl, because she is such a healthy dog otherwise, but at the same time I dont want her to suffer..
we all love her so much, and my dad is tearing himself up about this because he blames himself for having her outside, it would break our hearts to have to lose her!
We just got her fixrd, and now shes broken again :(
Hi dog rescuer,
I have an 11 year old shih tzu, named Poptart, shes been my little best friend for half my life now, and in the midst of moving this past weekend, my uncle accedentally hit her with a 11 foot utility trailer (the steel frame with wooden floor & steel ramp on the end)
She initially could not move her legs or tail, and i tried pinching between her toes to see if I could get a reaction, so my biggest fear was she was paralyzed. I'll never forget the screams I heard as I was poulling in the drive way and saw my dad running from the other side of the house, and now I know why such painful sounds were coming from my little angel.
She has 8 or more breaks in her pelvis, in both hip joints, the middle pelvis looks to be intact, but she is in immemse pain.
I took her to the vet and shes going on her 3rd day there, she had a small bowel movement yesterday, and has urinated yesterday and today.
The vet sent the x-rays to an orthopedic surgeon to be assessed, and he has said that they could perform surgery, but it would be multiple surgeries to get her back to normal.
I asked about crating, or casting her so she is limited in movement, and they say that that is an unlikely solution because it can cause problems down the road with her abdominal organs, if the pelvis fuses improperly and collapses.
the poor little thing just had surgery in December to remove a mammary mass that was about 4 inches in diameter, which they believed to be cancerous. But she has done so well, and has healed up incredibly and was back to normal, until saturday :(
I guess my biggest question would be what the likeliness of her having a somewhat normal life, or can she even, if we go with crate rest, Ive never had a broken bone of any kind myself, so I can only imagine what my little baby is going through right now.
Shes 11 but shes still so full of life and love, and I would hate to have to put down my little girl, because she is such a healthy dog otherwise, but at the same time I dont want her to suffer..
we all love her so much, and my dad is tearing himself up about this because he blames himself for having her outside, it would break our hearts to have to lose her!
We just got her fixrd, and now shes broken again :(
Ashley -
If your vet says surgery then go in with the surgery. Multiple breaks is not good and there can be complications.
I had a dog last year who had multiple breaks and needed surgery. Without the surgery he would have died.
Crate rest is only going to work with a simple break or single break in the pelvis.
Hi All
I'm amazed with how many people have found and utilised this blog!!! I wrote a comment on he 20th Jan 2011 regarding my Blue heeler cross who was hit by a ute. He is basically recovered now. He bolts around my back yard and chases birds as nothing has ever happened to him. To think how sad and devastated i was when it happened.
Of course as an older dog he may have arthritis etc - but for now he has quality of life :)
Hang in there everyone - you will have your little friend back.
Thanks Again
Thank you every one for you posts. I'm glad I'm not alone. My German Short-haired Pointer was hit on the highway last Wednesday night. We had her assessed and she has a fracture in her pelvis which extends into the hip joint. She was referred to and orthopaedic surgeon but it looks like it will heal with time.She is currently on 100mg of Tramadol three times a day, Mobic and Endep. But I don't feel that her pain is well controlled because she is always crying when she tries to change position or walk and she gets sudden jolts of pain which make us think maybe she is getting neuropathic pain. She hasn't had a bowel motion since Sunday so thanks to the earlier posts I'm going to get her an enema tomorrow. You guy's have given me hope that all of this should be over soon. Thank you
on 20/06 my dog a 11 month old 35kgs German sheperd dog fell of 20 meters of height ... IT is by far the worst day in my hwole entire life ... i carried him right away to the animal house hospital ... He survived but was dioagnosed with a broken pelvis in his right hip (P.S he has already had a surgery in his left articulation after he had hurt that one 5 month ealier) nothing could be done i sure cnt efford surgery he came back home with me the same night he was on rimodyl for 5 days was crying first not moving at all i putted him on a comfy matress and everyhting first few days was moving to make his poopoo pipii then he started doing it on himself DISASTER eventualy yesterday he was back to normal poopooo habits he walks a bit to the balcony and does it there ... he doesnt seem to be in pain anymore is very active looks arround and cuddles with me ... BUT i am still VERY VERY VERY concerned about his nurves bein OK because when he stands up to poop and he does though its only been 7days since the accidnet he seems not to feel the last part of his foot :S please help me i am very concerned
Could it be paralised ?? :s i am horified
his knee reflex seems to be ok ... his paw doesnt though :s ... am sorry if i may seem histarical
This thread has been a huge comfort to me in the last 12 hours. My 4 yr old long haired mini dachshund was hit by a Corvette last night, when someone opened our gate and let him out. He has numerous fractures to pelvis, sacrum and also tibia and fibula. In is shock and on IV, in lots of pain, waiting to hear what can be done. Also blood in urine. An 11 pound doggie is not match to a Corvette.... Surgery seems inevitable on leg and sacrum - long recovery. IF he makes it. I wish this on no one, dogs and humans alike, but appreciate the chance to find solace and support with others who have been through this. Also appreciate any advice...
this post really was a answer from God!! my poor little mixed breed 8 month old got hit yesterday, vet said she had broken pelvis and it has been put into her colon. She suggestd the 4-5k surgery and since im working two jobs and going to school this wasnt an option! I took her home with me that night, pretty much preparing my self for her to leave my life...and then today, she pooped! the doc said oif she didnt she wud need the surgery so im praying that she will be okay! thank you to all that posted its like a weight was lifted off my shoulders! <3
Thanks everyone for your comments and posting your experiences with your dog having a Broken Pelvis it really helps others. However, I am not a vet just an average person doing dog rescue. All I can give you is my opinion and examples of experiences I have had.
I believe 100% that you should always get a second opinion. Second opinion's saved Crash and a dog I rescued in 2010 named Sparky.
Speedy recovery to all dogs who suffer a broken pelvis and please continue to leave comments about your experiences so others can learn from them.
these comments have been a godsend as ive got a beautiful staffy with a fractured pelvis in 3 places and also told too crate rest him for 6-8weeks. seeeing him in so much pain is just killing me im in tears everyday not being able to do much for worry too has been his bm as its day 4 since accident and nothinghas happened he is on stool softeners but still nothing and he too is taking way too long between wees(11-16hours) im up with him till all hours of the night waiting till he wants to go as i cant get him out of cage cos he weighs 30kg so i haveto wait till hes ready to make a move out of the cage so as i can carry him outside to the loo.i know he wants to do a poo but cos of his pain poor bugger cant get there just yet so hoefully in the next few days he will .. i feel so helpless and frustrated not being able to do more for him its so heartbraking to see him in so much agony as he is the most lively and happy dog we walk every day its our little routine that he just loves and looks forward to every morning, hes also my running buddy i cant even go for a walk without him cos it just wont be the same.. but by reading all these comments he will eventually do it and he will adjust has been reassuring to read all these comments its helping me to cope with this traumatic time and knowing that there will be alight at the end of this tunnel is very comforting..thank you to all of you for sharing..a speedy recovery to all of our beloved 4legged buddies...... good luck
hi everyone! Just to help and reasure you all there is light at the end of the tunnel when your best friend has a broken pelvis! My Lady got run over on the 12th june 2011 she broke her left side and fractured her right side! well the first few days at home Lady in grate pain on metacam and crated!only saw daylight for toilet for 2 weeks! at 4 weeks she goes outside lies in garden with us! week 5/6 she tries to run around garden that is the hardest keeping her still! any ideas? tried leash she goes mad pulls goes round in circles i'm frieghtend her brake won't fuse properly? keeping her in crate when we around is a knightmare she frustrating me as i want her to get better and she no understand!! any surgestions on how long to full recovery Lady is a 20 month cocker spaniel. Sorry for long post !!
Hi Hope is with everyones babies on the blog..I'm glad i found this sight. we have a Chi-Pom and she was hit yesterday by a car and they told us she has fractures in three places in the plevis.Our vet also said she needs rest and no movement or surgery if she doesnt have a bowel movement in 48 hours. She is 7 months old a big part of our family shes the baby.Well she heal on her own? we dont want to lose her.
I have a rat terrier his name is Oddie he got hit by a car 2 days ago we took him to the hospital and they told us to put him in a cage for 3 month with limited activity or pay from 2000 to 3000 for surgery I can't afford that at the moment the send him tramadol and an anti inflammatory but tomorrow I will be taking him to the vet under his genital area he is very red seems like he has blood under the skin has me very worried.
Hello I have a dog and she was ran over we took her to the vet and they told us that her pelvis was broken I wanna know can she have puppys cuz I think she's pregnant.. and I'm scare something could happen to her..
Hello I have a dog and she was ran over we took her to the vet and they told us that her pelvis was broken I wanna know can she have puppys cuz I think she's pregnant.. and I'm scare something could happen to her..
OMG NO NO NO NO NO have her spayed NOW! The puppies WILL KILL HER.
I am not trying to be dramatic but seriously think about it. If you were pregnant and had a broken pelvis, there is NO WAY you could deliver your child naturally.
It takes 6 months for a dog to heal from broken pelvis. A dog's pregnancy only lasts 2 months. Not to mention any female that has had a broken pelvis should not be having puppies.
Not to mention 4 million dogs die every year because there aren't enough homes so really bringing puppies into this over populated world where dogs are dieing by the dozens daily simply because there aren't enough homes. Spaying your dog and aborting the puppies is right for a million reasons not just the fact that if you allow her to carry these puppies full term and MAKE her give birth it would be the most inhumane thing I have ever heard of anyone allowing to happen to their pet.
So happy to see so many success stories after broken pelvis and no surgery. We too are crate healing our mini-dachund/cocker mix. He is 2 yrs old and I was the one who accidentally hit him. Broke his pelvis in 5 places. Our vet said a $3-$4 thousand dollar surgery or put him down. She sent xrays to a orthopedic vet who sees these all the time. He said don't put him down but crate heal. So we are on week 2. He is doing so well. He too would not poop for about a week. Now doing fine. Lots of love and prayers and we are looking forward to the day he can frolic in the yard!
These posts have been such an encouragement to me! Thank you all for sharing your stories!! I rescued a lab/collie mix over a year ago and 3 days ago my mom accidentally ran over her while backing out of the driveway. She has a pretty badly broken pelvis and it is slightly dislocated on one side. The vet strongly suggested crate healing for 6 weeks. I have been an emotional wreck (my Bella is like my kid.) she is in a lot of pain, taking pain medicine a couple times a day. She hasn't had a bowel movement, and has only peed once in 24 hours. However, she is eating and drinking. She is able to stand and take a few steps before sitting back down. She was able to pee on her own (while on a leash.) I have to keep telling myself that there is a light at the end of this tunnel and to take it one day at a time. All of these posts have been inspirational and have given me some comfort in knowing she will heal and be back to her normal self with time :)
my dog fifi was ran over acouple days ago but we couldnt aford to get her through surgery. but the Dr. gave us pain killers we stoped because it looks like shes better but she hASNT been wanting to eat we'v tryed difrent foods and nothing seem top help what do you sugest?..
USE THE PAIN KILLERS!!!!!! It will take your dog 6 - 8 weeks to start to walk around again. Think about if you broken your pelvis would you feel like eating if you weren't given any pain killers????
Hey Everyone!! So tonight my 6months Huskey, Phoenix, got run over accidently by my dad. Took her to the ER Vet and they said that all her organs were intact and no internal bleeding. But, she does have a broken pelvis, broken in three places since as they put it the pelvis is box shaped so you can't just break one bone. When we left the ER Vet, there was no nerve damage but the vet said that it would take up to 10 - 12 hours to know for sure, so we'll know that tomorrow when we visit her. He's suggesting we get surgery for her costing about 4-7 grand (money is no issue because we will do anything to not have to put her down) but after reading all of your post, is surgery really necessary?? The vet said that she would need surgery to get a plate put in her. We have an appointment Monday, December 5. I don't know if its just a consultation or the actual surgery since the vet is the one that scheduled it. Just checking if it's necessary to heal the pelvis. Like I said, don't mind spending the money for it, but if it's not necessary then I don't mind not paying it (if that makes sense).
Surgery may be necessary if the pelvis will not heal on its own. I did have a dog last year turned over to my rescue that I had to do the $3,500 surgery to repair the break.
all depends on the type of break. I know heal time is less with surgery.
Thanks for the info Dog Rescuer!! We're leaving now to check up on her!! All of your posts are very helpful and encouraging!! Now I know that Phoenix and my family have hope to get through this!!!
My dog Wiggles got hit by a car earlier today.. Went to the vet & yes its a broken pelvis. My problem is I'm trying to move him off of the floor (carpet) what is the best way to move him with the less pain? Hes small enough to lift about 23 pounds? Cocker.
try to get him on a blanket and then you can easily pick him up like he is in sling. I hope that makes sense. You want to him in onto something or in a crate. The less movement the better and make sure where ever you put him you are ok with the floor/blankets/etc getting peed and pooped on. They don't have a lot of control when it first happens. Don't worry he will gain it back.
I'm so glad to have found this page. A Jack Russell wandered into my sister's yard after being hit by a car and i took her home. Bailey has a broken pelvis and the vet believes it happened the day before I retrieved her from my sister's (Dec 19,2011). She recommended crate rest. Now, Bailey's making me nervous. She became active about 2 weeks ago. She's a bundle of energy and a sweet force of nature! I take her outside to potty but I'm nervous because she's super fast and tends to fly down the stairs when I let her out of the crate. She also wags her tail vigorously and gets on her hind legs to greet me. She walks on all fours inside but hops on three legs when she's outside to potty. She potty's OK but lately her appetite is not so good. I stopped the pain meds a few days ago but wondering if I should continue them. I'm going to take her back for x-rays next week so I hope she hasn't caused any more damage from her frantic movements. Has anyone had a similar experience?
Kim email me you number and a good time to call you
My daughter and I adopted a puppy yesterday that had been dropped off at the local vet. She has been diagnosed with a broken pelvis and I was told that rest and crating would help it heal. I am concerned because I am not sure that she has feeling in her back legs. How can you be sure she is not paralized?
Your vet should be able to tell by the x ray and type of break.
I just wanted to tell all of you thank you so much for posting. Our 2 year old puggle was hit by a car New Years Eve and broke is pelvis in 3to places that I can see on the exrays. I was so scared when the vet said kennel him for 6 to8 weeks. But now it has been 4 weeks and he is doing so will. I still don't let him jump, jump up on the bed or down off the bed, or go down stairs. But when he is outside he is starting to run and I let him a little. It is hard not to let him though. But he is still being crated, we go back to get exrays in two weeks. I think everythimg is hoing to be good. Just wanted to tell you guys if you kennel them they will be ok and i am so happy for our little guy!!!!
hi my bella was hit by car over a week ago and really worried as she dont use her right leg i was told to give her cage rest and she has been given pain killers she is not happy at all she wont eat or drink been trying her with everything has any one got any ideas please she goes back to vets friday thank u janine bella is a yorkshire terrier
Janine - have you ever broken a bone? Trust me you wouldn't feel like eating either. Also, they sometimes get constipated which will keep them from eating. If she hasn't pooped you might want to get some stool softener.
Hello all! I was SO happy to find this site! Our 5 year old shih-tzu Kali got hit by a truck on Monday and the man was nice enough to stop and knock on my door (she had snuck outside when my kids left for the bus I guess. I didn't even know she was out). The local vet did xrays and treated her for shock but told us her pelvis was badly fractured and she thought it would be best to have her put down. The vet tech at the hospital, however, strongly suggested we see the nearest orthopedic surgeon for a second opinion. I almost decided to put her down..thankfully I didn't! The orthopedic surgeon said the fractures weren't as bad as they looked (he had fractured his own pelvis as a child so he was quite partial to dogs in similar situations..such a nice guy!) and that we should take her home and crate her. I have her in a pack n play and after about 24 hours she started eating and peeing but hasn't pooped yet (tomorrow is day 3). I'll ask the vet for stool softeners tomorrow after reading the previous posts. She doesn't seem to be in much pain but we have her on meloxicam twice a day and toradol once at night. She walks a few steps when she's outside to pee but the rest of the time she's in the "crate" which, luckily, she doesn't seem to mind. I just wanted to remind everyone that it helps a TON if you get an old scarf or long piece of fabric, roll it like you would a bandana and use it as a sling in front of their hind legs to help support them when they're outside. It also will put pressure on their bladder to help stimulate them wanting to urinate. I'm here if anyone needs support..I know I do!!
My German Short-hair Pointer was hit by a car yesterday. Her pelvis is broken and her liver is bruised. We got the same story as everyone else about plate surgery. Later the vet offered us an alternative of removing the head of the femur to prevent arthritis. Do you feel like that is a good option. I don't want her to be put in any more pain if I can help it.
My very small Beagle, Belle, was "hit" by a car Tues. I say "hit" bc our other dog, a HUGE Pitbull, Cena, was hit n killed, so I think he was closest to the car (they always ran side by side), n I think when he got hit he fell on her. He saved her from an even worse fate. Hes her hero. As a matter of fact, shes laying w his collar as we speak :( Anyways, she too has a broken pelvis. Shes normally a big baby but other than whining here n there, shes doing very well. She stayed at the vet from Tues night til today (Fri afternoon). She is on 4 diff meds. Antibiotic, anti inflammatory, stool softener n pain reliever. Even w the stool softener, she still hasnt had a BM. Shes been drinking alot of water n still hasnt peed. She was eating a little at the hospital, after day 2 or 3, n peed in her cage, but I dont know about any other time but once. Should she have had a BM by now w a stool softener? I dont want to give her an enema if I dont have to. I know that sounds selfish, but Im not worried about it being "gross", Im worried about making her more uncomfortable, bc lets face it, its not a comfortable thing to have something shoved up in that area. Ive read some other comments about how their dog didnt have a BM til day 5 or so, so Im hoping she will have one by tomorrow, so the enema tonight isnt necessary. N I also have only one syringe. Do I give her the whole thing at once? (The vet didnt really explain) N what if she needs it again? We had a pretty hefty bill n I dont know if I can afford anymore enemas to give her everyday if she has a problem. I would hate for anything to happen to her after shes already been through so much. (The vet said if she didnt have a BM it could cause more problems n she could be put down) Weve already lost one baby n the thought of having our other baby do just fine for awhile n then...u know. Long story short (Im rambling) I dont want to give her an enema if I could hold it off in hopes that she could have a BM in a day or two, but I dont want to NOT give it to her n her end up worse
personally I wouldn't stress. When she is able to go she will go. Unless she seems to be in discomfort from not pooping I wouldn't worry.
She will go when she is ready. but that is just my opinion. I would check with your vet before you do anything.
I also want to point out that I use a homemade sling to hold up her back end when she goes out to potty, even though she hasnt yet. Shes "paralyzed", so when I hold up her back legs n she walks on her front legs only, it helps the pain ALOT, n its almost as if shes walking normally. When I tried to lift her up under her arms n let her back legs dangl (vets suggestions), it didnt work out. Shes a Beagle so of course she has that blood curdling howl, n thats what she did everytime. So the sling really helps. N I read about the punpkin. Im going to get some in a few in hopes that it will help w her BM
Thank you Dog Rescuer. That made me feel alot better. N thanks for the speedy response. Maybe I can hold off til Sun (day 5). She doesnt seem to be doing too bad as far as the pain goes. Shes been drinking, but only wants to eat meat. I put her pills in a hotdog n she eats that. I gave her sausage in hopes that it would go right through her (bc its so greasy). Of course she eats it, but it hasnt gone through her yet, n it normally does. She doesnt seem to be uncomfortable n I dont notice her being bloated or anything. Lets just hope she doesnt "have" to go n its not hurting her by not doing so.
I also want to point out that shes trembling n panting ALOT. At first I thought that was her way of fighting off the pain, which could still be a reason. But I done some research, as I always do, n wrote down all her medications, what they were for, n the side effects. If your dog is on Tramadol (pain reliever), there are alot of side effects. Panting n tremors are two of them. There are alot of side effects, allergic reactions, n "severe side effects". Tremors are one of severe. Kinda scary. Idk if my vet is open tomorrow but I need to call n check on it. I know alot of medications have side effects that dont ever play a part. Even Tylenol n other "normal" meds have side effects that are scary, but no one ever reads them so they dont freak out about it. Just wanted to point out some of the side effects my dog is having, in case anyone else has the same problem n doesnt know whats causing it
My pure bred German Shephard broke his body harness yesterday, and got hit by a F350 doing 70 miles per hour. They have stabalized him and the xrays show a fractured pelvis and leg. It look to me like the whole leg was crushed. I am waiting for the call back from the specialist for options. Please help. I just want my old Ratchet back i am soo worried and refuse to put him down. also i was wondering if there was ever a way to breed him again, not the most important part at this time.
For starters a harness on a dog that big BAD BAD BAD idea. All a harness does is make the dog pull more. AND breeding him. First of all shouldn't be breeding in the first place unless you are showing him and are trying to keep a blood line active for showing purposes. If you love your dog you wouldn't be adding to pet over population! BUT regardless, breeding is out of the question. one wrong move and he can pinch a nerve in his back and NEVER be able to walk and then you will have to put him down.
My Sheba Inu (Kani) slipped from my daughter's grasp on her collar when she was being put on the leash outside to go potty. It was a few days before her first birthday (on the 16th of February). I took her to the vet and he said she broke her pelvis but suggested I let her crate heal instead of paying for the expensive surgery (I couldn't really afford that extreme of an expense). since then he's been great about helping Kani to progress (sending home Lactated Ringer for me to deliver fluids since she wasn't drinking for about 5 days and shots for pain for about 4 days) (please understand I used to be a vet assistant which is why I was able to bring that kind of help home).
he had said he thought she'd be up and moving on three legs in about 3 or 4 days but she is moving much slower than that.
I am keeping her confined or laying on the bed with me and she was doing ok but then she started screaming everytime she stood (and if you've ever heard a sheba do their special scream you'd understand how horrible that sounds)and went from moving on three legs some to only moving to pee/poo and even then screaming. I took her back in to make sure nothing changed (and because her lack of eating had caused a LOT of weight loss quickly) and the vet said that though she is progressing slower than he expected, he still feels she will heal and then sent home more anti-inflammatory (20 days worth) and more pain pills to get her over the hump. he suggested (which is extremely possible knowing her very vocal personality) that she is just one of those dogs who doesn't handle the pain too well now that she is off the narcs.
she is now in full heat and honestly I'm wondering if the swelling and extra blood flow to her vaginal area is causing more pain since it's all in the same area (pretty much) (plus she does get a bit "witchy" and more vocal during heat lol) or if maybe her "three-legging" it so quickly added some swelling to the injured area. (ANY SUGGESTIONS OR THOUGHTS???)
I am taking all of the advice as to how long this will take for her to be able to be mobile again and keeping her down longer than suggested by her vet. and appreciate all I've read on this blog!
(ps. she is eating again since the vet put her on the "critical care" dog food and has stopped losing weight and is drinking on her own and even interested in her surrounding again!)
Our Min Pin Maggie, who is 12, a diabetic, and blind, forced herself through the spindles of our banister on the second floor, after being spooked. She fell approx 10 feet to the first floor. We took her to the vet immediately. The took X-rays, fortunately nothing was broken but her pelvis had shifted. As with most here she was put on crate rest for 3 to 4 weeks. I have her on a large laundry basket with a blanket and pee pad to help. It happened yesterday and is urinating fine, eating, and drinking. She hasn't pooped yet and we will wait for a few more days for a vet visit to help.
Thank you everyone for all your posts here. The were very helpful.
I found this blog after my pug broke her pelvis, last Tuesday. I was so worried because she would not eat or drink or pee or poop for us. It was 2 days before would pee or poop. By Sunday she was finally drinking water and we were able to carry her outside to poop. She is still in pain, and can hardly walk, but we keep her caged unless she is going out to do her business. Thank you all for your posts, it helped a lot to know what we could expect. She did not need surgery, but she has to stay quiet and in her cage for a few more weeks.
I am so thankful to have stumbled upon these posts. My puppy Heidi was run over today and has a broken pelvis. I am feeling very anxious right now after reading up on what we are looking at as far as recovery goes. She was injured at 2 p.m today and still has not urinated. We attempted to use the sling method of holding her up so that she might urinate, but so far nothing. And still has not had a bowel movement. Her vet did not put her on pain meds, only an anti-inflammatory that will be given 4 days. After reading your posts, I think I should call vet again and ask for pain meds as any movement causes her to cry out in pain.
Any suggestions that any of you have, please feel free to let me know. I am a nurse and know how to take care of human patients, but I feel kind of helpless in this situation.
Thanks, Lisa
Lisa - Make sure you do get pain medication from your vet, that is very important. AND do not bother trying to get her to move for at least 3 days. The first few days are horrible for the dog and unless she really wants to move don't move her.
DO NOT LET YOUR GUILT OF "she has been confided for several days/weeks" make you let her out of the crate. The WORSE thing you can do is allow her to move around. 6 weeks she MUST STAY QUIET!! NO LESS not even if you think she is doing better. TRUST ME!
You should ask your vet for stool softner too. It is very hard for dogs to poop the first 2 - 3 weeks.
There was a little dog that was hit by a car this morning in front of my job. Many people surrounded the little girl, but she was in pain and tended to snap at people. I could not stand to just leave her. I went out to talk to her, she did get up and come over to me. I coaxed her off the street to the sidewalk and sat with her for awhile. Animal control was called, they took her away. I went by the animal control office this afternoon to visit the little dog. They told me she probably has a pelvic fracture. I let them know that if she does not have a home, I would like to care for her. I was told she will need to be spayed prior to me taking her. I am afraid they will make her fracture worse if they try to spay her. I would like to wait until she is healed and feeling better. This is a little dog who is so malnourished, and has just gone through something very tramatic. I feel no-one is thinking about this dogs feelings, but I know each time I left her, she felt like she was being abandoned again. I made a connection with this dog, and she made a connection with me. I was just looking for some information about the safety of spaying a dog with a possible pelvic fracture.
She 100% can not be spayed until her fracture is healed. Any vet that is a good vet knows that!!!!
we had our 4 month old lab get run over she fractured his pelvis in 2 places. He can stand on one leg and doesn't seem too uncomfortable. what is the best way to pick him up so I don't hurt any of the healing that is going on?
Get a towel and put it around his middle kind of like a sling.
Two of my dogs, Cozmo & Chloe (they are brother and sister) got hit by a car 3 days ago. Chloe had a hairline fracture on her leg and Cozmo (my poor boy) had a bruised lung, broken pelvis and blood in his eye (broken blood vessel). Never have I cried so much in my life!! My Cozmo has NOT left his crate since the accident happened (he's peed several times in the crate, but no poop yet). If I have to crate him for 2 or more months to make sure he heals, then that's what I'll do. Both my dogs are on pain meds but my Cozmo is on liver supplements & additional pain capsules. It breaks my heart, but I'll do anything for my dogs!! Thank God my Border Collie/Corgie was stubborn (like always) and she didn't run out of the yard!! Please be strong all you people out there that have been through this (or are going through it right now). I will say a little prayer for all of God's beautiful canine creatures out there. God Bless
My Terrier Just got hit by a flying car and he never stopped. Vet said she has a broken pelvis & i dont know much since im in another country since my aunt just passed. Now im getting a 2000+ bill which at this time icant pay, does anyone know someone in California that help out with this? Email me
I found an injured dog yesterday while out with mine taking a swim at a local camping/recreational area. Some campers told me they'd seen the dog fall or jump from a pickup bed traveling by at high speed. She'd been hanging around their camp for days, eating scraps they were feeding her. It looks like one of her back legs is broken; I'll be taking her into the Vet today for treatment.
I just want to say that reading the comments on this post really upset me; FAR TOO MANY dogs are being 'accidentally' run over by their owners or strangers - why are you folks not securing your animals, on leash or in fenced enclosures?!? Dogs don't 'decide' one day to jump from the bike basket or back of the truck - they aren't capable of such decisions, they act and react instinctively and the human caregiver should not be putting them in potentially dangerous situations! Especially if that caregiver won't prioritize the cost of Vet treatment! They DO have pet health insurance; careless owners should invest! Everyone is excusing these 'accidents' and swearing undying love for their pets - but letting the pets get hit by cars! ARGH!!!
And for pity's sake, DON'T BREED YOUR DOGS!!! 4 MILLION are euthanized every year in shelters!
Thank you so much for all of this information. I will be picking up some pumpkin tomorrow!
Here is our story - We have a 4 year old beagle mix. She was hit by a car and has a broken pelvis. She did have surgery and is now home after 10 days. Wow - what a lot of work and any suggestions would be helpful. Good news - she is eating, and seems to be more like "herself" now that she is home. She is on at least 4 meds (pain and antibiotics) and takes them twice a day. She do "ok" with this although sometimes she will spit it out. She seems to "shake" and I am wondering if this is a side effect from meds, if she is cold, or if she is scared. She has always been quite anxious. She has some strength in one back leg while the other one is completely limp - she is accurately walking on the "top" of it as she can't keep it flat. I am worried that this will stay this way and it won't "fix itself".
She is very much "housebroken" and stresses about going in the house, on a pee pad, etc BUT she growls and yelps when we go to take her outside (the vet had to muzzle her to move her while she was there - she has never shown signs of aggression before)HOWEVER when she "has to go" she tries to move very quickly to get outside to go - clearly this is not a good idea. She also did this while at the vet's and also crawled out of her "cage" numerous time (before surgery) b/c she didn't want to be there. They ended up letting her stay out of her cage and on the floor in front of it.
What can we do to move her without causing pain and damage and encourage her to pee on a pee pad OR get up (with the help of a homemade sling - does anyone have anu suggestions on what to use for this? The vet used a figure eight shape made out of gauze to support her back legs) on "our" time instead of when she decides she "has to go" and then has little time to get outside. The only time she tries to move quickly and frantically is when she needs to go to the bathroom - she is not crated but otherwise not moving. Please help with any suggestions. Thank you!
She is shaking because of pain.
If she wants to potty outside then let her, I don't agree with the vet on muzzling her or making her be on your scheduled. The dog has been through enough,that would just add to the discomfort and confusion.
For a sling just get an old t-shirt or a small blanket. Grab an end, put it under her middle and grab the other end. Move with her as she tried to or slow... hold the two end so her back legs are slightly off the ground. That way she is walking with her front legs but putting every little pressure on her back legs.
Please help. My shih tzu was clipped by a car yesterday. We took him to ER and I have already gotten a bill for 1,500. He has small fractures and an iliac fracture and they are recommending surgery. Unfortunately we are unable to afford it. I just want to see if anyone has had this happen and see if it is something he could recover from. Please email me
Our Chihuahua Gilbert was hit by a car on Saturday. The vet has told us he has a shattered pelvis, a broken vertebrae and that his spine has detached from his pelvis and will never have function on his back left leg. My husband and I have been in constant agony trying to decide what to do for our poor baby. The vet said after about 8 weeks of crate rest he should be up and walking but with just the use of his 3 legs. Gill absolutely hates being in a crate so we are afraid he will constantly be trying to get out and hurt himself more. Does anyone have any advice for us and our little guy? Surgery to fix his spine will cost up to 10,000 dollars because we would have to send him to a specialist in a town 3 hrs away, and there is no way we can afford that. And I don't want to put him through pain and suffering, so we don't suffer a loss. Totally confused on what to do for him. Any advice would be of great help!
Katie -
he will be in so much pain the first week or two I doubt he will try to get out. The other option is asking the vet for tranquilizers. As for the leg he won't be able to use. Just keep an eye on it, you may want to have it removed but address that later. First get his pelvis healed.
What a blessing to find this thread. I now have hope that our little terrier may survive. He was run over by a minivan five days ago resulting in numerous fractures to his pelvis as well as one femur out of place but the part of the hip that's supposed to hold it in place has broken off. The vet still has him and will for a few more days. I didn't see how "letting it heal" was going to work but I'm a believer now. One question: the vet says that if he doesn't poop by tomorrow there may be no hope as it would appear that he has lost the urge to void - a neurological problem. From what I read here it is not uncommon for a dog in this condition to not poop especially since he is barely eating. I will talk to the doctor about this but wondering what you think of this?
ask the vet to try a stool softener. Sometimes it hurts too much to push it out.. if that makes sense.
I have a bit of a problem. I posted last week about our Gilbert being hit by a car and now has a broken pelvis and back. He seems to be doing so much better but we are having some issues with his eating. If he takes his pain meds, he doesn't want to eat. But if we don't give him pain meds so he will eat, then he won't poop because it hurts too bad:( Any suggestions?
If he seems to be ok with out pain meds then don't give them to him or cut them in 1/2 made the dose is too much.
As for the poop... get some stool softener.
my 4 year old Jack Russell was also hit by a truck 2 days ago. Broken pelvis and dislocated hind leg. He is on crate rest and has his leg taped to be immobilized. His crying and whining in the crate is heart breaking. Any suggestions?
LEAVE HIM TAPED AND IN A CRATE!!! Don't let your guilt get to you, letting him out of the crate will only cause further damage. I know it is hard but you have to leave him in the crate!
We do leave him in his "crate" which actually is a very small baby pac and play which he is able to stretch out in. We finally left him last night to just cry and got a few hours of sleep ourselves. Do you think tranquilizers maybe needed for the overnight hours if this anxiety continues into next week? And how long is it normal for them to whine? I have the feeling it may be some from some pain and discomfort but also he is normally in bed with us so I think he is trying to get us to take him out of the "crate".
if you think it is pain then ask your vet for pain medicine if you don't have some or stronger pain meds for the evenings. Honestly, dogs can be prescient so if he thinks he might get his way he could whine all night. ;-(
My poor Lexi English bulldog was hit yesterday while I was leaving. I had no clue she was outside. She is my baby who I have bottled fed since 3 weeks old. She is now 14 weeks old. Emergency vet wants to do surgery but we can't afford the 2500.00 to pay to have surgery. They told us that she can live without surgery on her broken iliam but may not be able to walk on 4 legs do to her gaining 50 more pounds in her older years. Does anyone know if she can in fact live a good life without plating her pelvis???
I would get a second opinion. My worry would be the fact he will get so heavy. Might have issues later
That's what they said on why they wanted to do surgery. She is doing very well with eating and bathrooms. She is crated and on pain medication. I use a sling to lift her legs for her to keep pressure off her. I will get her spayed,as I was going to anyways. I just hate to hurt her by not doing surgery, however I can't pay that.
Can you make payments? Or I heard there is a credit card that you can get that is ZERO % for animal emergencies. I only heard about it so you would have to look it up. Or maybe call around and see if there is a vet that can do it cheaper.
Update on my Lexi she has healed great as we are keeping her in crate to make sure she heals 100%. I did as you suggested and got a second opinion and she said she did not need the surgery. Thank you so much for your advice!!!
First I want to say thank you so much for this site!! It gave me so much hope after our pug, Abby, who was hit by a car on September 15 and suffered a broken pelvis. She had a big break but it was a clean break and the vet said she was a prime candidate for a metal plate but she would have been sent out of province for a surgery we couldn't afford. We brought her home to heal and I have to say the first week was one of the worst weeks of my life. My husband and I missed three days of work because she was so miserable and we were so worried about her. We ended up taking her back to the vet twice because she didn't poop for six days. The vet did a rectal exam and couldn't find any damage so until she had her first bowel movement, we didn't know how well she was doing. I have never been so happy to see an animal use the washroom!! This blog brought me so much comfort because I saw others were experiencing the same problem.
Well I am pleased to say tomorrow will be the five week mark and Abby is doing very well. She walks normally but when she stands still, she doesn't stand on her rear left leg. We took her for follow-up x-rays at the three week mark and although things looked much better, there was no calcification showing which would mean she was healing. The vet thought maybe it was still too early to see that happening yet so in another week or so, we will take her back for more x-rays. That will really tell us how well she is doing.
We still keep her crated all day while we are gone but we allow her out to sit with us in the evenings. She hasn't walked on a stair since this happened and we still carry her outside to do her business. She wants to play and run but we just don't allow it yet. Does anyone have any idea when we can start taking her for short walks? She was such an active dog before this so she has become restless and edgy.
Anyway, I really want to say thank you again. I also wanted to share our story to give someone else hope the same way these stories gave us hope. And wish Abby good luck on her next x-rays!! Take care.
Here is my situation. Cheyenne is a mix medium size 45 pound 15 year old. She has a broken pelvis one side is badly dislocated and the other sidehas fractures but is attached. This happened Thursday night. I had no idea she was outside and I was going to get my sons medication and I did not see her and ran over her hips and tail. I am devastated! She was my husband and I 's first child. They feel that if she is still doing ok by tomorrow then I should do surgery or put her to sleep. I have been told it would be selfish to make her go through anymore.. And I agree to some degree; but I just want to know what would y'all do.
OMG I am so sorry. that is a hard decision. I guess you need to weigh all the options. You may want a second opinion too. Sometimes surgery isn't always needed and at 15 I am sorry to say but she may not make it through surgery and at 15 6 - 8 weeks of healing might do her in too. Very difficult place to be but make sure you know all the options and all the risks and do what is best for her. NOT YOU! Letting go is the hardest for you but her suffering then loosing her life is hardest for her.
I hope that makes sense.
Well, my 5year old Shih tsu was hit tonight and I rushed him to the vet. They told me it was the worst break they had seen in his pelvis and her lower spine looked shifted. Will wait and see how he does the next 24 hours. I just couldn't put him down. I know that can sound selfish, but he was looking at me and his life was still there! They said he could also be paralyzed. They have him on fluids, pain medicine, and a catheter. Right now my bill is at 300 and I definitely cannot afford surgery. My 17 year old was walking her and he let him go too close to the road. I just hope tomorrow he is still with us. I am in agony wondering. They also wanted us to take him to a 24 hour vet hospital, but that would have been another 300. I know some have said irresponsible pet owners need to fork it over, but I can't and that is HARD. We adopted him because his owner was dying.......he has grown attached to our hearts, and I hope and pray that he gets to come home to a crate! They mentioned his renal function may not recoup. Sniff......
My Pug,PIGLET, who is 7 years old got ran over yesterday, by a truck who was coming to a stop. My grandfather was a local vet for 50+years he said to put her in like a box/crate, so she can't move alot and that more than likely she has a broken pelvis, her tounge is NOT white so papa said she doesn't have internal bleeding, and she made it through the night, she can still wag her tail, and she's moved her back feet just a little bit. what are her chances of making a full recovery? What can I do to help her? How long will the recovery take? Do you think it's possible her pelvis is just cracked, not broken or she may just be badly bruised?? A few hours after the accident she attemped to stand all the way up, and she sit's up on her hips every now and then in the Box/crate, is that a good sign?
My little guy bot loose and was hit by a truck six weeks ago and broke his pelvis in 3 places and totally shredded his belly. After giving him morphine and taking x-rays, the emergency vet said he would need surgery ($4000-$7000) or maybe have to be put down if I couldn't do the surgery. I was frantic. The little guy was in SUCH AWFUL PAIN. They gave him pain meds and sent us home. I cried all night and took him for a second opinion the next day. An orthopedic surgeon looked at his x-rays and said to put him on crate rest--that surgery wasn't necessary. The second vet said the same thing. Gave him pain meds for about two weeks. He did so well! After a couple of weeks, I didn't even keep him in the cage because he found a spot under the coffee table where he felt safe, and he stayed there on his own. I babied him like crazy so six weeks later he is so spoiled! We are back to taking short walks until he builds up his strength again. He won't try to jump on the furniture or bed yet, but I think he just needs more time. LESSON LEARNED! Always take your pets to get checked out, but get second opinions!
My 8 month old Australian Shepherd puppy, Beau, was hit by a car the day before thanksgiving. I should've had him tied up and I didn't, it was all my fault. He likes to try and chase cars and when he wasn't tied he decided to go after one. I took him to a vet as soon as it happened, but we were 6 hours from home and they were closed, but so nice to stay open a little longer for me and Beau. He wasn't a surgeon so he couldn't take X-rays but gave us some pain meds.
We left the next day (thanksgiving) and took him to our vet Friday and the X-rays showed he has a broken pelvis in 3 places. Our vet recommended surgery, and I contacted 3 other vets with his X-rays and they said he needed surgery as well. All the surgeons in Houston told me surgery would be between $3,000 and $7,000. One even told me it could reach $10,000. I was hopeless and was convinced he wouldn't be able to get surgery. But some how I found a place in Austin that did his surgery for $1,900!!! I couldn't believe it. I was also able to raise money from friends and family who love beau and even strangers who had a heart for doggies.
He got surgery yesterday and is now recovering, The first night after surgery was absolutely horrible. No sleep in this house. Im sure it will get easier. He likes to lay on the bed with us, but he sleeps in his kennel. I allow him to stay on the bed as long as he doesn't move around and just sleeps. He will be resting for 6 weeks!
Thank you to everyone who posted. I read every single comment and that was what gave me hope and made me so comfortable! Before I found this blog I was a wreck!
Hi! I'm in so much turmoil right now. My baby, Max who is a dapple dachshund was hit by a car last night. I was so devestated as we lost our furbaby Sammy a chocolate miniature dachshund about a yr ago to a broken back. I called my vet & he asked me about his breathing, gum color, wounds,etc & said he would call me back in 15 min 2 check on him. I was hoping 2 take him in right then after hours,& waiting 4 him 2 call back was like an eternity. He called about 45 min later & asked me some questions & told me to bring Max in at 8 am. I stayed up all night, well I'm still awake. Thank God it wasn't his back. He has 2 places in his left pelvis, a small break & a crack the vet called it. I was so raleaved until he told me that he was giving Max pain meds & sending him home on bed rest for 3 mo. I'm very attached to my fur babies & Max is my baby. I hate to see him in so much pain. I'm so scared to move him, he hasn't went to the potty at all since the accident. He ate for the 1st time & then threw it up. I don't know if it was because of the pain meds or nerves. He finally started drinking tonight & he ate again. He keeps trying to get up & I have to be right w him to tell him no he has to stay. He looks up at me with his one beautiful blue eye & he's just in so much pain & sad. I cry every time I have to take him to potty. My vet told me to just pick him up by his upper body & let him dangle, but he screams so loud, it scares me & I get super upset. Then to take him outside & gently set him down & support his rear end. I don't understand how exactly to do this & he hasn't went yet at all. So twice me & my husband have carried him out on his bed we made from a large plastic bin top with an exercise mat doubled over & a thick soft blanket folded 4 times on top of that and a pee pad. We pick him up together and I try my best to support his hip while we set him down, but he cries so loud. I feel like I'm holding him wrong & he won't go pee b/c he doesn't want to pee on my hand & I don't understand how to hold him where he won't poop on my hand. I know we have a rough rd ahead & a long hard recovery, can anyone give me any advise as to how I should hold him & where I should put my hands so he will go potty without causing so much pain. Is it better to use a towel as a sling and let him stand test way? I'm willing to buy one if it will help, I'm just so nervous I'm hurting him more when I take him out & it's been for nothing b/c my poor Maxee hasn't even used the potty. I'm raleaved to see that I'm not alone & others are and have been through this. It's nice to see that other furbabies have been through this and survived. It's just so hard watching him lay there & try to get up but he can't & I can't explain to him that he has to stay still until he heals. I wish the best for everyone's babies & hope recovery is quick. Any suggestions on the best way to take him out to potty will be Greatly appreciated. I can't sleep & I can't leave his side. I'm scared he Will try to get up and look for me & move the wrong way & damage himself even more. I really appreciate u reading my post & look forward to any advise I can get. I'm so glad I found this blog. Thank you so much Dog Rescuer. What u do is amazing & it's so nice to see others who love animals as much as me & r willing to do whatever u can to help them. My name is Krystal, I couldn't figure out how to get this to except my name... Thanks so much
Use a towel or a scarf and put it around his middle. Lift him slowly so that his front feet can walk but his back feet are off the ground. It can take up to a week for them to potty b/c they don't want to potty in their crate, they are house trained so they know they need to go outside and it hurts to stand on their own.
Deep breaths, it will be ok. And stick with the crate rest, it truly will help... time is your friend right now.
These posts have made me feel at ease about my 7 year old 7 lb Yorkie, Bella. She recently fell off our porch after our other Yorkie and her almost got into a scrappy fight. She has a bruise near her groin area and I can see some light bruising near the hip area (she is limping when she walks, but prefers to not walk and lay down). Her pain has been less, except when our other Yorkie steps on her, by accident. No BM the last 4 days, I have been giving her pure pumpkin (per the vet i called and spoke with yesterday) with soft food to help move it along but nothing yet. She's acting normal, not lethargic, and not vomiting. She drinks water regularly when I bring it to her, and has an appetite for food other than kibble. Should i be worried about the BM? That's what concerns me, since she doesn't have any protruding bones or other alarming mannerisms. From the posts that I've read, it sounds like time and healing are what this injury needs. If she'd just have a BM I could ease my anxiety. Let me know if anyone has any thoughts. Thank you!
Hey everyone.. I could use any advice .. unfortunately my dog Sarag somehow after all this time got caught under my car. I was at a full stop and then slowly moved up the drive way about 6 or 7 ft and that's when it happened... I feel horrible and sick to my stomach.. it has been a week and half and my dog has only had one bm.. she can put some weight on her hind quarters and can walk in limited spurts but still yelps when trying to get comfortable or if I go to move her. She has a broken pelvis , broken sacrum and a broken vertebrae... she has been to the vet twice in one week.. she keeps wetting where she is laying down and then will whine . Vet said only time would tell if the nerve to urinate was damaged .. Has anyone else had this problem and how did you know ; beside b ed wetting are there any signs that will show improvements ?? I have done the sling and taken her for short walks but she will not urinate only BM while in sling.. but she does urinate on the bed and whete she is laying .. Vet said her tail may have to be amputated.. and she is part chow so it's tell if she is leaking or if she is not wanting to move , how long did it take for you see your dog getting up to use the bathroom and how long did it take to know that you pooch was out of the woods. ?? Vet said surgery wouldon't help and she could heal and gave her a good chance. Thid is so tough.. She is on pain meds and antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds and the only time she isn't hurting is c when the meds work
Heather - you should NOT try to take the dog on short walks. Especially with all those injuries. Only take her out to potty. Wetting the bed is very common for this type of injury. You will not see any improvement until week 4. If by end of week 5 things aren't getting better it is time get some answers from your vet, maybe even see a specialist. It is a possibility that she no longer has control of her bladder.
Please understand what I mean when I say short walks. A short walk was only walking her in my yard for 2 minutes or less using a sling to help her go to the bathroom.. Her bowels started to back up and she had yet to use the bathroom. And.due to her size and weight I wasn't going to be express her In no way would I ever do anything that didn't come from the vet. It was my vet who recommended this because she would not move at my house but moved well at the vets office. No bones was completely separated .. After almost a week my dog was standing and walking on her own at the vets office. This is when the Vet told me to move her and use a sling due to her size and that fact I just had major surgery .. and honestly I wasn't able to move 4 times a day. After I saw her standing and turning around in her area I stopped using the sling while and allowed her to potty in her own and only used the sling to assist with the stairs.. and Thano you.. my main concern now is if her kidneys are backing up. She does have bm but I have noticed a some areas where there is a stream of urine.
My baby Lalah got hit by a car and got a broken pelvic, her dr. Performed a surgery on her, but today 5 days ago from the surgery she bled for about a minute is this normal? It did stop but I got so worried please if anyone has gone through this could you help me to understand if do I need to take her back to the vet ? Or is it normal? Please help!
My baby Lalah got hit by a car and got a broken pelvic, her dr. Performed a surgery on her, but today 5 days ago from the surgery she bled for about a minute is this normal? It did stop but I got so worried please if anyone has gone through this could you help me to understand if do I need to take her back to the vet ? Or is it normal? Please help!
My name is Lexie an my pit got hit 2days ago I took her to the vet they did x-rays and gave her pain meds but I'm still very worried I get her up an stuff but I think she's getting sores an hasn't popped since this happened I'm very worried an need help idea's of how I can help her be more comfy
I have a 16 year old Shih-tzu. Didn't notice she was under my car and backed over her. Amazingly it didn't kill her but broke her pelvis. Doc said small dogs often heal without surgery. Gave her pain meds, muscle relaxer and recommended six "cold-laser" sessions (2 a week). I was supporting her rear legs in sling for first three weeks - now she is partly walking on her own - I stil hold her tail just a little to give her a little support and she is getting around. She had trouble pooping and vet recommended canned pumpkin (100% no sugar added) which seemed to work as she started having more regular bms with less straining. Been four weeks now and am very optimistic - she is doing so well.
My friend's dog was hit by a car yeaterday. Her vett said that her pelvic was fractured in 6 places and if she doesn't poop in a day she needs surgery. Then today he told her that she needs to have her out down because she will never walk again. She is heartbroken, but the whole thing isn't sitting well with me.
My Jack Russell was hit by a car 2 days ago and fractured her pelvic bone she hasn't gone to the bathroom yet I'm terrified because she won't stand up I don't know how to help her go to the washroom either
Hi there, I'm new to posting comments and blogging so i apologise in advance!
My little Jack-a-uahua climbed out of the car window whilst it was in motion. After calling in to 3 different vets we were directed to come back the following morning 1st thing for an x-ray. What was first thought to be a broken leg was (is!) a fractured pelvis (in 2 places). I really do not know what the best course of action is. After trawling the internet for advice the majority of cases tend to be to have enforced rest. Some sites have said that the pelvis is surrounded by muscle, tendon, soft tissue thus making surgery difficult if nigh on impossible. This in itself (so i'm told)acts as a 'naturally anatomical' cast.All this being said i still do not know what tp do for the best!
Please advise
Hi my jack russel got run over 4 weeks ago, she was doing great, but seems in pain again? Does anyone no if this is normal? Shes walking really well, vet delighted with her progress, i got her a dog pram to transport her to a grassed area.. i have no garden, and i can no longer carry her as i suffer from a bad back, i hope this hasnt slowed down her progress?? 😢 has anyone got any advice? Thank u
my little boy is a miniature schnauzer he got out of gate and was hit by a lorry was told by vet after xrays broken pelvis in 3 places and would be best to let him heal on his own its been a week and he has not done one poo he has had enama put in bum still no poo he has done two very big wees in the one week but no poo I am worried about this can anyone help
I adopted a stray dog GINGER who was run over by a car and has her pelvis broken in 3 different places . The vet said surgery is not possible to perform on a broken pelvis . So he asked her to crate rest. But she tries to move vigorously when she wants to pass stools . We are not able to control her then . The rest of the time she is confined to her place. I really hope her movement during BM leads to further complications
my sons dog was hurt recently.. after reading all of these comments on the website you all gave us hope she would make it she broke her pelvic bone first xray didnt show anything broke the next week there was no change with the dog so they took another xray and it showed she had broken her pelvic bone it has been a long rode the first not knowing what was wrong.. it has been 3 weeks now she gets up and potties and walks (no steps or jumping). this blog was a beacon of light for me that she could make it.. thank you all
Our sweet dog was hit by a car last night. The vet said his pelvis is broke. Dr said we could take him to get surgery but with the price he thought crating him for 5 weeks would be best. I tried to keep him comfortable in the house but he tries to get up and cries in pain. So we got him a crate today to see if that helps. The Dr gave him a pain shot but only sent us home with antibiotics. Is this normal shouldn't he have some kind of pain meds?
Our baby age 2 name is diamond was run over or got hit by an suv that didnt stop and her pelvis was broken in 3 areas and hemridge in her stomach could allow her intestines come outta her stomach...she had to end up being put to sleep diamond
My dog was run over tonight.. she broke her pelvis. .her hip and left leg in 3 places. They dont know if she has internal injuries.. we will see in the morning..I want to be by hwr side jist like you with Max ..and i have nonidea how the hell im going to pay for it but thats the plan. Pray for them both ❤
Im so sorry about diamond. . I can't imagine . This is an outcome I may have to face in the morning and I'm dreading it..
Please be ok Coco. Love Mum x
I am so thankful to have found this. We found a little stray in our yard this week, which has been hit by a car. We live very close to an emergency vet, but with 10 animals of our own we already care for, the ER prices were just not doable. Thankfully our local SPCA assisted us with the medical bills to have her assessed. She is a little 11 lb terrier mix, and is just precious. She too has multiple pelvic fractures, and her hip is displaced. Our trusted vet also told us that surgery would be thousands of dollars. We were told that we can keep her enclosed on bed rest to allow her body to heal on its own, and the muscles and breaks will strengthen with time. She may heal completely, or walk with a limp, but her quality of life would not be fully known for 4-6 weeks. Right now we have her in a 2 by 2 foot enclosure to limit her movement. Just enough room for her bed, water and food and pee pads. The doctor put her on Rimadyl as well twice a day.
My main concern has been her lack of interest in food. She will take wet food from my hand about once a day, and takes water well through an oral syringe. After gaining her trust, she will now drink on her own, but has yet to eat on her own. She is peeing fine, but has not had a bowel movement yet, so that was worrying me. However I know pain meds can cause constipation, and she hasnt been eating much anyway.
Thanks to this forum, I will continue to keep an eye on her, and if she hasn't went by the next few days, I will consult with the Vet about an enema. Otherwise, she is now wagging that tail nonstop when we enter the room, so there is hope!!! Worst case scenario, Amazon carries doggie wheelchairs, which I never knew!!! Much love to you all, and all your furbabies!
A stray dog came to me everyday for a year. I asked people in our neighborhood if they knew if someone owned it and no one knew. I cared for it loved it and one day two other dog and Rocky dug under the fence and got out. Two dogs came back and Rocky was missing. We looked and looked for him; a week and a day later my son founded him on the side of the road. He was hit by a vehicle and unable to walk. He had been by the side of the road thru three snow storm, freezing weather and survived. My son bought him home, good vets are hard to find on the reservation and the only surgeon is in Santa Fe, NM. I took him to our own Navajo Nation animal clinic and a cold unsmiling clerk said the vet is out and said the nearest vet is in Gallup, NM. I took him to Gallup; Rock had been a trooper he had been in an hour drive already and now we had to another 30 minutes with him bouncing in the back of the SUV. We arrived in Gallup and xray was done. His left pelvic was shattered at the socket and leg was broken in three places. The other side of the pelvic was broken clear off the spine but his leg still moved. He still had an appetite and drank water. He pee'd but he hadn't pooped for two days. Since the vet in Santa Fe was two and half hours away and the cost to repair Rocky was estimated between 3000 to 8000. I wanted him alive and repaired but the person in Gallup was pushing death. She kept saying over and over even if he's fixed how about his quality of life after and he's a senior dog. I dont know if the right decision was made by my part but my sweet Rock was put to sleep. I cry and grieve him everyday.His best friend sits by the fence everyday waiting for him to come home. Reading these stories here makes me question Did I make the right decision?
My pit who is 10 months has a broken pelvic happened 2 weeks and 2 days ago she is doing really well I have the hardest time keeping her down my concern is her being incontnient how long should this last?
My corgi broke pelvis on med was breathing hard for few hrs then died feel so guilty
My corgi was run over in after noon vet said couldn't operate on broke pelvis gave him pain medicine. He kept breathing hard.and it was night closest vet was 2 hrs away I was worried about stress of ride decided to wait till morning
Just trying to understand why he died his gums were pink so probably not shock or blood loss I gave him 100 MG of Rimadyl so why was he panting so hard like in pain then dying he was a great dog does anyone have an idea
Hi, my JRT was run over 5 days ago, complicated multiple fractured pelvis, specialist wouldnt opetate. Liver damage and bladder trauma, hopefully healing ok though. Specialist is concerned that the hip may need surgery due to the socket being damaged, possibly removing part if it. Has anyone had this complication? No decision will be made until after her pelvis has healed.
My last foster, a chocolate lab approx 5-6 months old- he was FOR FREE on a local yard sale group page. Luckily he was still available, manytbings I can tell y’all about but since a lot is about broken pelvis’s; I had to carry him to my car it was only 96 degrees and he was chained to the front porch and fgr chain also doubled as his collar as well, no protection from direct sunlight and when he was in my home and settled he had a slight limp in his right hind leg. Then I noticed one hip bone was back further than the other. Vet x rays determined he had a broken pelvis that healed itself but without vet care it healed crooked. He says he had to be lying on one side for any force to break the pelvis/ so what scenario does a 2-3 ish month old puppy fit in where it’s just lying on its side and ? WHAT HAPPENED? Did the previous owner or neighbor hood kid stomp on
His hind quarters or was it a car? If a car when wouldn’t a puppy suffer a lot more damage internally from a 3000lb vehicle just rolling right over him( the worst part is knowing he suffered unimaginable pain with no one to even help him as his pelvis healed on its own.
He is the best boy and beautiful yellow eyes who persevered and the limp stopped and over time I was able to teach him how to be a PUPPY..
He ended up
One lucky boy adopted by an amazingly devoted family with a lake in the back yard and Tons of land to run off that puppy energy! So to whoever thought his life was meaningless enough to break his bones... “KINGSTON” won, ya coward!
Wow great info thank you all so much. Im going for a meet and greet today for a 1yr old pointer that has a broken pelvic bone. He has been in the shelter for 12 days and needs a home. After reading all these posts I know what to ask them this afternoon and think I can do it. I hope everyone's dogs healed well and so so sorry for those that lost their precious babbies.
I have a three year old boxer/ pit who was hit Wednesday night. Fractures to both sides of the pelvis. But luckily no organ damage. Two surgeries later and he is back at home BUT we are struggling with how to pick him up and more importantly last him back down without him screaming in pain. Really it is putting him down that is the trouble. I so don't want to cause him anymore pain but I know he needs to get up. Any help full guidance would be wonderful.
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